Back [Reading Group] John of the Cross, with Bernhard Teuber (29.05.2024)

[Reading Group] John of the Cross, with Bernhard Teuber (29.05.2024)


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Since October 2023, the Haas Research Group on Poetics of Knowledge has been organizing periodic sessions of the Reading Circle: Poetry and Philosophy. The next session, on Wednesday, May 29, will be dedicated to Saint John of the Cross and will be led by Professor Bernhard Teuber, Chair of Romance Philology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

The event is open to everyone. Attendees who are not part of the Haas Research Group on Poetics of Knowledge are kindly requested to send an email to [email protected] in order to ensure seating availability in the room.

John of the Cross

Date: May 29th, 2024
Time: 11 p.m.
Room: TBD



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