Back CCS-UPF joins the Communicating Science with Science initiative

CCS-UPF joins the Communicating Science with Science initiative


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On April 9, "Comunicando Ciencia con Ciencia" was launched, a campaign by the Fundación Lilly, as part of the Citas Ciencia initiative, in collaboration with the Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica and The Conversation Spain.

The Studies Center on Science, Communication and Society participates in the coordination of the work and also with three authors: Vladimir de Semir, Gema Revuelta and Carolina Llorente Lope.

It is also a source of pride for our centre and the UPF Barcelona School of Management that prominent alumni, professors and mentors of the Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication UPF-BSM, such as Bienvenido LeónDaniel CassanyKarla Islas PieckNúria Jar BenabarreHeber Longás CrespoHelena González-Burón, Ph.D. y Belén Remacha, are also participating in this transmedia project in an open format.

In total, 36 prominent authors are collaborating in a collective work to communicate science with science.

A project that fills us with enthusiasm!



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