Quiral Report

The Quiral Report summarizes annually the analysis of health and medicine information published in the most widespread newspapers in Spain. Emerging from a joint initiative between Fundació Vila Casas and the Studies Centre on Science, Communication and Society, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Quiral Report has become an important sociological tool: an annual reference of the greatest health concerns of our society and their impact on the media.

Reports archive

SAM Report

The SAM Report, Food Safety in the Media, is the result of the annual monitoring and analysis of press coverage concerning food safety issues in Catalonia. It is a project organized by both the Catalan Agency of Food Security of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Studies Centre on Science, Communication and Society from Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Its objective is to discover which topics attract media attention and analyze the approach they receive, as well as to reflect on the quality of the information delivered to the citizenship and its social perception to be able to improve the communication of these issues.

SAM Reports