Back 11,15 i 18-11-2022 | Conference on history, memory and heritage

11,15 i 18-11-2022 | Conference on history, memory and heritage



11 November 2022 | FIRST SESSION

“Between memory and forgetting: uses and abuses of memory”


To reflect on:

  • 1. La usefulness of democratic memory.

  • 2. The uses and abuses of memory policies.

To propose and debate on:

New policies of democratic memory.

15 November 2022 | SECOND SESSION 

“Uses and abuses of history and memory in the formation of a democratic citizenship”

18 November 2022 | THIRD SESSION 

“Between Clio and Mnemosyne: history and memories in dispute”

In general, both in Catalonia and in Spain, a limited use of the concept of “historical memory” (and, lately, “democratic history”) has become popular. Moreover, and unlike other countries around us, neither in Catalonia nor in Spain have memory policies been implemented on slavery or colonialism, issues that have been somewhat more present in the initiatives of civil society than in the academic world or in the concerns of our institutions. The objective of the roundtable is to reflect on the relationship between history and memory in relation to colonialism and slavery. To do so, we have invited different specialists who can contribute with their views and experience in the field of the intersection between both concepts, especially with regard to colonialism and slavery.



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