Back BOOK -The communication of the radical right, the first study topic of the Collection Ideograma - UPF - EPI

BOOK -The communication of the radical right, the first study topic of the Collection Ideograma - UPF - EPI

The book 'Communication of the populist radical right in social networks', written by Sandra Pallarés-Navarro from the University of Zaragoza, is published


The Profesional de la Información (EPI) and the Ideograma - UPF Chair of Political Communication and Democracy sign a collaboration agreement for the creation of the Colección Ideograma - UPF - EPI.

The first publication is the work of the winner of the first edition of the Ideogram Chair Award – UPF, Sandra Pallarés-Navarro, which has been previously expanded within the framework of research on populism of the Chair, with the advice of the director and deputy director of the Chair, Carles Pont-Sorribes and Reinald Besalú. The book is available in open access digital format and will soon be available for purchase in physical format.


Image. Cover of the book.

The book entitled Comunicación de la derecha radical populista en redes sociales follows the line of study focused on populist discourse, analyzing the use that its political leaders give to the different social networks. The work starts with the main objective of studying the communicative style in social networks of three political leaders, belonging to the far-right family (Abascal, Salvini and Fujimori). Each one of them has been analyzed in a specific social network, which has been chosen considering that it was the most aligned with the candidate's electoral strategy.


Image. Sandra Pallarés-Navarro, autor of the book.

The work has a prologue by Paolo Gerbaudo, a professor at London King's College who is an expert in populism and social networks. Gerbaudo has studied the relationship between populist discourse and the introduction of social networks as a space for public debate. Its prologue reviews the evolution of this phenomenon and highlights the work it presents.

The promotion of training, research and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Political Communication and its effects on democratic systems is the main objective of the Ideogram Collection – UPF – EPI. The collection is intended to give visibility to the scientific production of professors and professionals in the field of political and institutional communication. Works focused on the study of the interactions between the political system, the media system and citizens will be published, with special attention to the credibility of information, new media and populism.

Profesional de la Información (EPI)

Profesional de la Información is a Spanish scientific journal on information, communication, libraries and new information technologies, which emerged in 1992 under the title Information World in Spanish. In 1998 it adopted the title 'El Profesional de la Información', beginning a progressive orientation towards articles reviewed by a committee of experts. It is included in international indices such as JCR and SJR, occupying the first positions among Spanish journals in the area. Currently, it is a leading magazine in the field of Communication Sciences and is directed by the Catalan engineer and documentalist, Tomàs Baiget.








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