CR08 - The audiovisual creation in the age of generative artificial intelligence

The future of audiovisual creation, from narrative to creativity and business models, is marked by generative artificial intelligence. This document is the result of eight discussion groups involving sixty-four professionals in the sector, focusing on the future of the industry, creativity, and the ethical aspects of AI. This technology can improve the efficiency of audiovisual production, require an update of professional skills, and reduce costs, but challenges such as content storage and technological dependence arise. Creatively, the personalization of content and a new definition of creativity from the human-algorithm tandem will gain strength, and future challenges will emerge such as the management of rights of works generated by AI and associated ethical dilemmas

Publication date: December de 2023


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Letter from Barcelona

The Letter from Barcelona is a call, prepared by the Chair in Futures of Communication, to move towards a successful future for the communication ecosystem in Europe. It is the result of the initial work of a committee composed of seven individuals (Judith de Argila, Antoni Esteve, Josep Maria Ganyet, Beatriz Martín, Yasmina Okan, Bertran Salvador, and Jordi Serra del Pino), that was then analyzed and discussed during the working sessions of the Crosspoint Meeting: Echoes of the Future, with the participation of more than forty national and international experts. The version presented here summarizes the collected points and suggestions that emerged from the sessions and aims to serve as a starting point for leading a European transition in the communication ecosystem.

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Scientific report: advisory board Chair in Futures of Communication: identification of thirteen key thematic lines in the future of mid-term communication

The first Advisory Committee of the Chair in Futures of Communication was established for the first time on July 20, 2023, with the aim of preparing the thematic agenda for the Crosspoint Meeting: Echoes of the Future. This European event, scheduled for November 23 and 24, 2023, will bring together the leading institutions of prospective studies in Europe to work collectively in defining the challenges that Europe will face in a thousand days from now and to formulate proposals and guidelines to contribute to the development of a successful communication ecosystem in the sector.

The report is organised around three sections: 

  • Technological Transition: Uses and Determinants
  • Media and Technological Trust
  • New Media Ecosystems

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