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2016 (1)

Mas-Colell A. Transformation in general equilibrium theory and methods: An interview. Dins: -. Arrow and the Ascent of Modern Economic Theory -; 2016. p. 317-324.

2006 (1)

Mas Colell, Andreu. Notes on Stochastic Choice. Dins: Aliprantis, C.; Matzkin, R.; McFadden, D.; Moore, J.; Yannelis, N.. Rationality and Equilibrium. A Symposium in Honor of Marcel K. Richter. 2006. p. 243-252.

2005 (1)

Hart S, Mas-Colell A. Stochastic uncoupled dynamics and Nash equilibrium. Dins: -. -. -; 2005. p. 52-61.

2001 (1)

Hart S, Mas-Colell A. A Reinforcement Procedure leading to Correlated Equilibrium. Dins: Debreu G, Neuefeind W, Trockel W. Economic Essays: A Festschrift for Werner Hildenbrand. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg; 2001. p. 181-200.

1998 (1)

Mas Colell, Andreu. Cooperative Equilibrium. Dins: AA.VV.. The New Palgrave a dictionary of economics. London: The MacMillan Press New York Stockton Press; 1998. p. 659-662.

1997 (5)

Mas Colell A. Bargaining Games. Dins: Mas Colell, Andreu; HART, S. (eds.). Cooperation: Game - Theoretic Approaches. Berlin: Springer Verlag / NATO Scientific Affairs Division; 1997. p. 69-91.

Mas Colell A. Preface. Dins: Mas Colell, Andreu; HART, S. (eds.). Cooperation: Game - Theoretic Approaches. Berlin: Springer Verlag / NATO Scientific Affairs Division; 1997.

Mas Colell A. Introduction. Dins: Mas Colell, Andreu; HART, S. (eds.). Cooperation: Game - Theoretic Approaches. Berlin: Springer Verlag / NATO Scientific Affairs Division; 1997.

Mas Colell A, Hart S. Classical Cooperative Theory I: Core-Like Concepts. Dins: Mas Colell, Andreu; HART, S. (eds.). Cooperation: Game - Theoretic Approaches. Berlin: Springer Verlag / NATO Scientific Affairs Division; 1997. p. 35-42.

Mas Colell, Andreu, Hart S. Classical Cooperative Theory II: Value-Like Solutions. Dins: Mas Colell, Andreu; HART, S. (eds.). Cooperation: Game - Theoretic Approaches. Berlin: Springer Verlag / NATO Scientific Affairs Division; 1997. p. 43-49.

1994 (3)

Mas Colell A. Cooperative Equilibria. Dins: Eatwell J, Milgate M, K Newman P, Palgrave R. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. London: Macmillan Press; 1994.

Mas Colell A. Non-Convexities. Dins: Eatwell J, Milgate M, K Newman P, Palgrave R. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. London: Macmillan Press; 1994.

Mas Colell, Andreu. Elogi del Creixement Econòmic. Dins: Nadal, Jordi; Cacho, Vicente. El Món cap on anem. Vic: Eumo; 1994. p. 183-213.

1992 (4)

Mas Colell, Andreu. Three Observations on Sunspots and Asset Redundancy. Dins: AA.VV.. Economic Analysis of Markets and Games. Cambridge: MIT Press; 1992. p. 465-474.

Mas Colell, Andreu. On Aggreate Demand in a Measure Space of Agents. Dins: Neuefeinf, W.; Riezman, R. G. (ed.). Economic Theory and International Trade. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1992. p. 1-2.

Mas Colell, Andreu. Equilibrium Theory with Possibly Satiated Preferences. Dins: MAJUMDAR, M. (ed.). Equilibrium and Dynamics: Essays in Honor of David Gale. Nova York: St. Martin's Press; 1992. p. 201-213.

Mas Colell, Andreu. A Noncooperative Interpretation of Value and Potential. Dins: SELTEN, R. (ed.). Rational Interaction (Essays in Honor of John C. Harsanyi). Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1992. p. 83-93.

1991 (3)

Mas Colell, A. Sobre el problema del determinisme en teoria econòmica. Dins: Marimón Suñol, R.; Calsamiglia Blancafort, X. (eds.). Invitació a la teoria econòmica. Barcelona: Ariel; 1991. p. 58-73.

Mas Colell, Andreu. An Axiomatic Approach to the Efficiency of Non-Cooperative Equilibrium in Economies with a Continuum of Traders. Dins: KHAN, M. A.; YANNELIS, N. C. (ed.). Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Spaces. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1991. p. 302-324.

Mas Colell, Andreu. Equilibrium Theory in Infinite Dimensional Spaces. Dins: HILDENBRAND, W.; SONNENSCHEIN, (ed.). Handbook of Mathematical Economics. Amsterdam: North Holland; 1991. p. 1835-1898.