7. Profiles

‘We are the perfect complement to transfer the innovation and knowledge generated at the University to society’


Name and surnames: Àlex Casta Ruiz (@castaalex)
Date and place of birth: Barcelona, 25 may 1979
Position: CEO of UPF Ventures
Education: Degree in Biochemistry from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), PhD in Molecular Biology from Columbia University, and MBA from IESE

Àlex Casta holds a PhD in molecular biology from Columbia University and an MBA from IESE. A few months ago, he became CEO of UPF Ventures, a start-up linked to the University that aims to facilitate the transfer of UPF’s knowledge to society.

In the last ten years, he has held a variety of positions in the field of innovation management and technology transfer. He is well-acquainted with academia, as, in addition to being a researcher, he worked at the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, the technology transfer office at the University of Barcelona (UB). As head of technology transfer programmes at Biocat, he has also worked closely with the public sector.

His experience in the private sector includes stints at various life science companies, such as Advancell or Lipotec. He also founded a start-up to develop drugs to treat rare diseases. Most recently, prior to his move to UPF Ventures, he worked as an investment manager at Caixa Capital Risc, the venture capital division of La Caixa, leading operations involving technology initiatives in the biomedical industry and serving on the boards of several of those companies.

Read more about him

How did UPF Ventures come about and what is its main mission at a public university like UPF? 

The UPF Ventures project began years ago, in 2014, when UPF decided to look for a new way to engage in knowledge transfer. The university had a very clear goal: to create a highly flexible tool that would complement the Innovation Unit-UPF Business Shuttle in transfer tasks taking a decidedly industry-oriented approach.

Based on this idea, the University teamed up with renowned professionals in the world of innovation, such as Xavier Marcet, a real leader in our environment, or Tom Hockaday, who was CEO of Oxford University Innovation for 16 years and is a world expert in innovation management. We are very lucky to have these partners. With their guidance and in close collaboration with the Innovation Unit-UPF Business Shuttle, a general plan was developed to launch UPF Ventures.

After the planning period and a few actions involving contacting companies, it was decided to engage a team that hailed from industry and had experience managing innovation in order to promote the project. That is where we came in.

Alex Casta

‘We are forging ahead with a unique transfer model in Spain that we trust will be a success and become a genuine benchmark.’