11. Our alumni

Ton Mansilla: ‘The fight for sexual freedom is a very long road: we are just beginning’


Name: Ton Mansilla Jacas
Place and date of birth: Vilanova i la Geltrú, 19 July 1992
Education: bachelor’s degree in Law (UPF), master’s degree in Professional Legal Practice (UPF - Barcelona School of Management), LLM in International Human Rights (National University of Ireland)
Interests: criminal law, human rights, migrations, asylum, strategic litigation 

Ton Mansilla holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from UPF (2014) and specializes in human rights, asylum, and LGBTI rights. He also holds a master’s in Professional Legal Practice from UPF Barcelona School of Management (2015) and an LLM in International Human Rights from the National University of Ireland (2017). Following a long list of collaborations, internships and volunteer work, he currently works as a lawyer for the NGO Accem and collaborates with the legal service of Observatori contra l’Homofòbia (OCH), a Catalan homophobia watchdog.

Mansilla’s career has always been closely linked to his work as an activist, which includes his blog Triángulo rosa [Pink Triangle], where he writes about the persecution and resistance of the LGBTI community. This experience, along with his passion for writing, led him to write his first book, Eternos (Círculo Rojo, 2020).

For people who do not know you, how would you describe who you are and what you do?

My name is Antoni Mansilla. I am a lawyer and LGBTI rights activist. I currently work at two human rights NGOs. The first is Accem, where we provide assistance to people seeking asylum in Spain and to migrants in general. I also collaborate with Observatori contra l’Homofòbia, which is an organization providing legal and psychosocial assistance to victims of acts of aggression or discrimination due to LGBTI-phobia located at the Barcelona LGBTI Centre.

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