8. Our alumni

‘Museums are my natural habitat’

Cristina Smandia, bachelor’s degree in Humanities from UPF (2003). Head of Public Programmes and Communication at CosmoCaixa.


Name and surname(s): Cristina Smandia Oller
Place and date of birth: Barcelona, 3 September 1980
Position: Head of Public Programmes and Communication at CosmoCaixa, the Obra Social La Caixa science museum
Education: Undergraduate degree in Humanities from UPF, postgraduate degree in Communication and Cultural Production from Ramon Llull University (URL), MA in Museum Studies and Museum Marketing from the University of Leicester (United Kingdom) and postgraduate degree in Operational Marketing from ESIC
Interests: Going to museums, reading and being in contact with nature. Also, new experiences and losing herself discovering Barcelona and other cities around the world.

The doors of CosmoCaixa, the Obra Social La Caixa science museum, are not yet open to visitors, but Cristina Smandia greets us with a smile at the entrance. She guides us proudly through the facilities, which include several exhibits, a planetarium and a rainforest. This place is like a second home for her.

Cristina has been immersed in the world of museums for almost twenty years. Today, she is Head of Public Programmes and Communication at CosmoCaixa, responsible for ensuring the venue delivers an attractive experience to the public. However, far from viewing her job as work, she has managed to turn it into a passion, her hobby.

You have been working in the world of museums since before you finished your degree in Humanities.

I've always enjoyed working in museums, because I saw they could be used to explain things. For example, art museums show people how a society lived, how it expressed itself, why it did things the way it did... I began working in one as an educator before finishing my undergraduate degree, and I’ve worked in the world of museums and galleries ever since. I’ve been lucky. Museums are my natural habitat. Today I’m in charge of a science museum and I couldn’t be happier.

Cristina Smandia

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