10. Els nostres alumni

“És molt important que l'entorn acadèmic estigui a prop del sector tecnològic i dels negocis”

Pere Duran, alumni d’Economia i director de 4 Years From Now (4YFN)


Name and surnames: Pere Duran Trilla
Place and date of birth: Barcelona, 1984
PositionEvent director of 4 Years From Now (4YFN)
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Economics from UPF (2007)
Interests: Technology, entrepreneurship, innovation, culture, politics and Barcelona

Pere Duran has been the director of 4 Years From Now (4YFN), one of the world’s most influential start-up events and an internationally renowned innovation and knowledge platform, since 2017. Held annually in Barcelona since 2014 (there are also editions in Shanghai and Los Angeles) as part of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), 4YFN helps connect start-ups with large companies and investors.

An expert in start-ups, innovation and development, Duran has been linked to GSMA, a company representing the interests of mobile operators and other companies in the field worldwide, since 2010. Prior to becoming director of 4YFN, he held other positions, such as 4YFN commercial director or MWC sponsorship manager.

His work has been key to the growth and development of 4YFN, which has grown from a small area within the MWC – initially with 2,000 participants and some 30 exhibitors – into a large-scale event: the most recent edition, held from 28 February to 3 March 2022, brought together more than 600 start-ups from around the world and had nearly 60,000 visitors.

Passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation by family tradition, he has launched several initiatives throughout his career, including OffRoutes, a free digital platform for travel blogs for independent travellers, which he co-founded, or, more recently, the not (not only tech) newsletter, focusing on technology and key figures in the world of tech.

Read more about him

How do you recall your time at UPF?

My time at UPF was very important. I have very fond memories of my classmates, the teachers and, especially, the period I spent abroad as an exchange student at Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires. The experience impacted me deeply and opened my eyes to another culture and way of looking at the world. At that point in my personal and academic development, that exchange factored heavily into my decision of what I wanted to do early in my career, and it greatly influenced my decision to go to London after I finished my degree in Economics.

Pere Duran

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