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A continuació s'exposa un recull de les publicacions prèvies més rellevants per aquesta recerca per part dels membres de l'equip d'investigació:



Publicacions rellevants

Rodríguez-Menés, Jorge and Creighton, Mathew. "The impact of imprisonment on IPV offenders' risks of recidivism", in Van der Geest, V. and Blokland, A. (ed): European Handbook of Criminal Careers and Life-course Criminology. Forthcoming in 2017.

Rodriguez-Menés, J., Puig, D., & Sobrino, C., (2014), "Poly-and distinct-victimization in histories of violence against women", Journal of Family Violence, 29(8), 849-858.

Rodríguez-Menés, J., & Safranoff, A., (2012), "Violence against women in intimate relations: A contrast of five theories", European Journal of Criminology, 9(6), 584-602.

Keene, J., Rodríguez, J. and Li, X. (2006). “A Pilot Study of Assessed Need and Service Use of Offenders and Frequent Offenders’ Mental Health Problems”, Journal of Mental Health, Vol. 15(4): 411-421.

Rodríguez, J.; Keene, J. and Li, X. (2006). “The Substantial Service Demands of Offenders and Frequent Offenders”, European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 149-179.

Projectes d’Investigació finançats

Supervision in the Community: Intervention during the Execution of the Sentence. Particular emphasis on Gender Violence. Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad. (DER2012-32150). (2013-2015).

Gender and Marginalization: Victimization and Crime, Ministerio Español de Ciencia y Tecnología (Plan Nacional de I + D, DER2009-08344) (2010-2012).

Pilot/Pre-testing for a FRA Survey on Violence against Women, Agencia de la Unión Europea para los Derechos Fundamentales (Service Contract No D/SE/1 0/10) (2010).

Distributive Effects of Women’s New Roles, Ministerio Español de Ciencia y Tecnología (Plan Nacional de I + D, SEJ2007-62684/SOCI). (2009-2011).



Publicacions rellevants

Larrauri, E. & Zorrilla, N. (2014) Informe social y supervisión efectiva en la comunidad: especial referencia a delitos de violencia de género ocasional. InDret 3/2014.

Gelsthorpe, L. & Larrauri, E. (2013) Gender and Crime in Europe. In: Body-Gendrot, S.; Hough, M.; Kersezki, K.; Levy, R. & Snacken, S. (eds.) Routledge Handbook to European Criminology. London, Routledge, pp.105-120.

Larrauri, E. (2011) Violencia de género en España. Tres años después de la LO 1/2004 de 28 de diciembre de Medidas de Protección Integral contra la Violencia de Género. In: Birgin, H. & Gherardi, N. (coords) Reflexiones Jurídicas desde la Perspectiva de Género, Mexico DF: Editorial Fontamara. pp.103-149.

Larrauri, E. (2010) Los Programas Formativos como medida penal alternativa en los casos de violencia de género ocasional. Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica, núm. 8, pp. 1-26.

Projectes d’Investigació finançats

Supervision in the Community: Intervention during the Execution of the Sentence. Particular emphasis on Gender Violence. Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad. (DER2012-32150). (2013-2015).

Gender and Victimization. Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación (DER2009-08344/JURI). (2009-2011).

Gender Violence. Instituto de la Mujer, Institut Catala de les Dones and CEFJE (Departament de Justicia, Generalitat de Catalunya). (2006-2009).



Publicacions rellevants

Sarasa, Sebastián; Navarro, Lara; Porcel, Sergio (2016),  «Clase social y privación material entre los inmigrantes de países pobres en Cataluña» Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 

Garriga, A., S. Sarasa, P. Berta (2015), Mother’s educational level and single motherhood: Comparing Spain and Italy. Demographic Research, 33(42): 1165.

Sarasa, S. y F. Luppi (2011), Crisis económica y pobreza infantil en algunos países de la Unión Europea, en El impacto de la crisis en las familias i en la infancia. Barcelona: Ariel. ISBN: 97884-344-0567-7.

Sarasa, S. (2011), «Long-term Care: The persistence of Familiarism» en The Spanish Welfare State in European Context, Ashgate, ISBN: 978-1409402930



Publicacions rellevants

Alós, R., Esteban, F., Jódar, P., Miguélez, F. (2015) Effects of prison work programmes on the employability of ex-prisoners. European Journal of Criminology Volume 12, Issue 1, 20 January2015, Pages 35-50.

Ollé-Espluga L, Vergara-Duarte M, Belvis F, Menéndez-Fuster M, Jódar P, Benach J (2015) What is the impact on occupational health and safety when workers know they have safety representatives? Safety Science, Vol. 74, pp. 55- 58.

Esteban, F. , Alós, R. , Jódar, P. , Miguélez, F. (2014) 'Ex-inmates' job placement. A qualitative approach [La inserción laboral de ex reclusos. Una aproximación cualitativa] Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas Volume 145, Issue 1, 1 January 2014, Pages 181-204

Vidal S, Alós R, Jódar P, Beneyto P (2013) «Membership duration in a Spanish union: A survival analysis». Economic and Industrial Democracy. Vol 35, Núm. 3 pp. 507-529.



Publicacions rellevants

González, María José & Jurado Guerrero, Teresa (eds.) 2015. Padres y madres corresponsables. Una utopía real. Madrid: La Catarata. 

González, M.J.; Jurado, T. & Naldini, M. (eds.) 2000. Gender Inequalities in Southern Europe: Women, Work and Welfare in the 1990s. London: Frank Cass.

Abril, P., Amigot, P., Botía-Morillas, C., Domínguez-Falgueras, M., González, M. J., JuradoGuerrero, T., Lapuerta, I., Martín-García, T., Monferrer, J. y Seiz, M. (2016)  “Adaptations to Ideals: Plans for Child Care in of First Time Dual-Earner Parents in Spain”. In Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (Eds, in press): Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Edward Elgar.

Jurado, T.; González, M.J. & Naldini, M. (2012) “Gender, Family and the Labour Market in Postindustrial Societies: A New Social Compromise?”. En Burroni, L.; Keune, M. & Meardi, G. (eds): Economy and Society in Europe: A Relationship in Crisis?. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.



Publicacions rellevants

Creighton, Mathew J. (2016) Prominence and Exclusivity: Identity and Opposition to Immigration in a Multinational Context, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42:458-479.

Rodriguez, Jorge and Mathew J Creighton. (2016) “The impact of imprisonment on IPV offenders’ risks of recidivism: an application of two natural experiments in the city of Barcelona” in prof. dr. A.A.J. Blokland & dr. V.R. van der Geest (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology. (Forthcoming with an expected publication Date of 2/8/2016).

Creighton, Mathew J, Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Roberta Rutigliano and Maike van Damme. (2014) “Is Fertility Influenced by Couple Instability? / ¿Influye la inestabilidad de la pareja en la fecundidad?” in Gøsta Esping-Andersen (ed.) El déficit de natalidad en Europa La singularidad del caso español. Barcelona: Obra Social Fundación “La Caixa”.

Park, Hyunjoon, James Raymo and Mathew J Creighton. (2009) Educational Differences in the Risk of Divorce and Their Trends across Marriage Cohorts of Korean Women. Gender Studies and Policy Review. 2:6-18



Publicacions rellevants

Garriga A, Cortina C. The change in single mothers' educational gradient over time in Spain. Demographic Research 2017; 36: 1859-1888. 

Cortina, C. Las parejas homosexuales en España: matrimonio y formación familiar. Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas 2016; : 0-0. 

Laplante, B.; Castro-Martin, T.; Cortina, C.; Martin-Garcia. Childbearing Within Marriage and Consensual Union in Latin America 1980-2010. Population and development review 2015; 41(1): 85-108. 

Castro-Martín, T.; Cortina, C. Demographic issues of Intra-European Migration: Destinations, Family and Settlement. Introduction to Special Issue. European Journal of Population = Revue Européenne de Démographie 2015; 31(2): 109-125.



Publicacions rellevants

John R.B. Palmer & Mariola Pytlikova, Labor Market Laws and Intra-European Migration: The Role of the State in Shaping Destination Choices, European Journal of Population, 31(2): 127-53 (2015).

John R.B. Palmer, Thomas J. Espenshade, Frederic Bartumeus, Chang Y. Chung, Necati Ercan Ozgencil & Kathleen Li, New Approaches to Human Mobility: Using Mobile Phones for Demographic Research, Demography, 50(3) (2013).

Davide Azzolini, Philipp Schnell & John R.B. Palmer, Educational Achievement Gaps Between Immigrant and Native Students in Two “New” Immigration Countries: Italy and Spain in Comparison, 643 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. & Soc. Sci. 46 (2012).

John R.B. Palmer, Stephen Yale-Loehr & Elizabeth Cronin, Why Are So Many People Challenging Board of Immigration Appeals Decisions in Federal Court: An Empirical Analysis of the Recent Surge in Petitions for Review, 20 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 1 (2005).



Publicacions rellevants

Voolma, H. (2014). ‘Between rhetoric and practice: the UK’s response to domestic violence against women with insecure immigration status’. Cambridge: The King’s Review ‘Intimacy’ issue.

Voolma, H. & Salmela, K. (Eds.) (2013). ‘The 2012 Open Days on Women, Peace and Security’. New York: UN Women.

Voolma, H. (2012). ‘The Private is International: Domestic Violence Against Immigrant Women’. New York: UNICEF - UN Women co-convened thematic consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the post-2015 development framework.

Voolma, H. & Trujillo, M. (2012) ‘Reading between the lines: Examining the links between advertisements for sexual services and trafficking for sexual exploitation’. London: Mary Honeyball MEP.



Publicacions rellevants

Anna Garriga, Sebastià Sarasa and Paolo Berta.  (2015). Mother’s Educational Level and Single Motherhood: Comparing Spain and Italy. Demographic Research. 33, 1165-1210.

Michael Gähler and Anna Garriga. (2013). Has the Impact of Parental Divorce on Young Adults’ Psychological Problems Changed Over Time? Empirical Evidence for Sweden 1968-2000. Journal of Family Issues. 34, 784-808 

Marco Albertini and Anna Garriga. (2011). The Effect of Divorce and Parent/Child Contacts. Evidence on Two Declining Hypotheses. European Societies. 13(2): 257-278.

Lluís Flaquer and Anna Garriga. (2009). Marital Disruption in Spain: Class Selectivity and Deterioration of Economic Conditions. Pp 246-286 in When Marriage Ends: Economic and Social Consequences of Partnership Dissolution, edited by H.J. Andreß and D.Hummelsheim. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.



Publicacions rellevants

Rodríguez, J.; Martí, M. “Assessing discrimination in Correspondence Studies”, American Journal of Sociology. [Under Review]

Kurtovik, E.; Rovira, M. “Contrasts in the hidden obstacles to re-entry in the labour market based on criminal records between The Netherlands and Spain”, European Journal of Criminology. [Under Review].

Rovira, M. (2015) "Recensión a: Jacobs, James B., The Eternal Criminal Record, Harvard University Press, Cambridge". InDret Criminología y Sistema Penal 2/2015. 

Curbet, J.; González, C.; Murria, M. & Rovira, M. (2009) ”Les transformacions socials a l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona i els seus impactes en la seguretat ciutadana. Informe 2009 de l’IERMB sobre l’estat de la seguretat ciutadana”. Barcelona, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB)



Publicacions rellevants

Sobrino, C. (2015). Recensión a Kingston, Sarah: Prostitution in the Community. Attitudes, action and resistence. Routledge, N.Y. InDret: revista para el análisis del derecho; (4): 1-2

Rodriguez-Menés, J., Puig, D., & Sobrino, C., (2014), "Poly-and distinct-victimization in histories of violence against women", Journal of Family Violence, 29(8), 849-858.

Sobrino, C. (2013). Indigencia, prostitución y inseguridad ciutadana. La Directa núm 342, 11th de december de 2013.

Sobrino, C. (2010). The employment of people with severe mental disorder Catalonia. DINS Award. Government of Catalonia.



Publicacions rellevants

Castro, T., Cortina, C., Díez, J., Safranoff, A. (2013). Euromarriages in Spain: Recent Trends and Patterns in the Context of European Integration. Population, Space and Place.

Rodríguez, J., Safranoff, A. (2012). Violence against women in intimate relations: A contrast of five teories. European Journal of Criminology.