Vés enrere How Fascisms Work. The Politics of Us and Them, by Jason Stanley (November 2019)

How Fascisms Work. The Politics of Us and Them, by Jason Stanley (November 2019)

Next 25th November, the philosopher Jason Stanley fom Yale University will deliver a lecture on Fascisms and the workings of far-right discourse at CCCB. This event will be presented by Teresa Marques, professor in the UPF Political Philosophy master programme.

Imatge inicial

In this session, the philosopher Jason Stanley will analyse the workings of far-right discourse and will dismantle the armoury of arguments shared by the different extremist political movements that have emerged in recent times.

Jason Stanley, Jacob Urowsky, Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, has studied how political propaganda works and has identified the rhetorical mechanisms used in far-right discourse. Despite the diversity of cases, he has detected some shared elements in all these phenomena, which he calls “fascisms”. For example, they seek to create a politics of division that, in an apparently totally natural way, divides the population into “us” and “them”. What aspects characterise fascist rhetoric? What propaganda tactics are used to construct this kind of discourse, and how can they be detected?

Presenters: Teresa Marques

Participants: Jason Stanley


25 November 2019 


Please check all the details at CCCB webpage.



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