Vés enrere Sign up for the EUTOPIA Certificate of Internationalisation (EUCI)!

Sign up for the EUTOPIA Certificate of Internationalisation (EUCI)!

Enrol by Monday 14 March 2022 – places are limited!


Sign up now to enhance your employability, hone your reflective skills, and meet new people from all over Europe! If you’re a registered student at any of the universities in the EUTOPIA Alliance, you can complete this certificate and gain formal (but non-credit-bearing) recognition for your international experiences and competencies. You will have the opportunity to broaden your international network by connecting with other EUTOPIA students in a series of virtual seminars. With the guidance of expert tutors, you will reflect on what ‘internationalisation’ means to you, and compile a reflective portfolio that can include creative and multimedia elements. Enrol by Monday 14 March – places are limited!

Please, see more information about the registration procedure and eligibility.
See some students' feedback on the EUCI.



ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
