Vés enrere EUTOPIA Workshop. Towards a grounded internationalized university: Tools and practices on internationalization at home

EUTOPIA Workshop. Towards a grounded internationalized university: Tools and practices on internationalization at home

Join us! On 15 and 16 June 2021 EUTOPIA will hold 3 online workshops.



With the aim of creating a space of work and reflection on the practices, challenges and findings of internationalization at home, pursued by the alliance members, EUTOPIA will hold 3 sessions open to all the EUTOPIA community.

Previous registration required. Please check the Eventum.

If you’re interested, please register via this form. All participants will receive a briefing with the session goals and objectives, as well as a few questions to facilitate the participation and the exchange of ideas. 

During the session, attendees will discuss and debate several ideas and a list of 3-5 recommendations will be included in the list of good practices in the final report.

Check out the programme:

Opening session: Tuesday, June 15th, 14:00-14:30 ECT

Workshop 1: Building an internationalized campus, Tuesday, June 15th, 14:30-16:00 ECT

Content: Promoting a truly internationalized university community is one of the shared goals of EUTOPIA. Different strategies have been implemented by the Eutopia partners, and even when it is clear that contexts are different and national and cultural particularities matter, there are some common patterns that will help in the understanding of the challenges of making an open, dynamic and internationally friendly campus.

Workshop 2: The international classroom, Wednesday, June 16th, 10:00-11:45 ECT

Content: An international university classroom, with diversity of voices, experiences, and cultural backgrounds, is a very desired scenario for learning, as well as for teaching. However, finding the best teaching and learning strategy is a learning process itself, a process that requires flexible approaches and the adjustment of some parameters and pre-concepts, as well as finding a new balance between content academic goals and pedagogical means.

Workshop 3: Towards an internationalized curriculum, Wednesday, June 16th, 11:00-12:45 ECT

Content: Building an internationalized curriculum is probably one of the most challenging, ambitious and worth pursuing goals a university can address. It is not only about creating academic content for an international audience, but also to transform what is usually considered as an external point of reference into an organic component of the whole curriculum. Eutopia partners are truly committed towards this objective, and there are several on-going experiences to be examined, making the workshop an interesting space to share questions, challenges and successes.

Closing session: Wednesday, June 16th, 16:00 - 16:45

Looking forward to meeting you all there.




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