Vés enrere BeEUTOPIAn Conference at University of Warwick (20 - 22 April 2021)

BeEUTOPIAn Conference at University of Warwick (20 - 22 April 2021)

Spring 2021 – Hosted by University of Warwick



What is BeEUTOPIAn Conference? It is the international annual EUTOPIA student-led conference. It is organized for and by the students with the help of the host university. This conference is to be hosted by a different partner every year and will permit the students of the EUTOPIA Alliance, as well as other international students, to attend debates on hot topics and potential scenarios linked to it.

The transversal theme of this first edition is "The impact of COVID-19 on education on an international level". Its objective is to compile a document on post-COVID policies for higher education institutions. It will allow universities to be more flexible while facing future crises and to boost higher education quality after the pandemic.


The conference will be organized on Zoom through different lectures.

You will find here the programme as well as the registration form for the different sessions.

Please follow us through all EUTOPIA networks to stay informed of all upcoming information regarding the conference!




ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
