Vés enrere EUTOPIAn futures is almost here! 13 April 2021, 7pm - 9pm CET

EUTOPIAn futures is almost here! 13 April 2021, 7pm - 9pm CET

The future of Europe and the role of Higher Education in shaping it. 13 April we invite you to join a conversation with Federica Mogherini, Jonathan Holslag and Luc Soete.



EUTOPIAn Futures is a virtual event organized by EUTOPIA European University in the context of EUTOPIA Week, in cooperation with Brussels School of Governance and College of Europe.


EUTOPIA wants to stimulate reflection on the following topic:


Universities operate in turbulent times, and innovative ways of thinking, working, learning and researching together, locally and globally, are needed to face today’s and tomorrow’s grand societal challenges.

So how is Higher Education best organized in order to rise to its infinitely ambitious goals? 


And when EUTOPIA says ‘join our conversation’, we mean that in the most literal way: we want to hear from you. 

What do you want to know about the societal challenges calling for a transformation of Higher Education? How can we strengthen the position of the EU in the global Higher Education market? What about employability for young graduates? 


Send your burning questions and most pressing concerns, and perhaps you’ll be one of ten selected students from across Europe to join the virtual panel debate as a panelist! 



  • Rector Federica Mogherini (rector of the College of Europe and former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission),  

  • Professor Jonathan Holslag (professor International Politics at VUB, former special adviser to the Vice-President of the European Commission)  

  • Professor Luc Soete (Dean of the Brussels School of Governance, Honorary Professor of International Economics at Maastricht University) 

  • Students of EUTOPIA, Brussels School of Governance and College of Europe


  • 19.00: Introduction by professor Luc Soete

  • 19.15: Intervention by rector Federica Mogherini 

  • 19.30: Intervention by professor Jonathan Holslag 

  • 19.45: Panel debate with students of EUTOPIA, Brussels School of Governance and College of Europe 

  • 20.45: Closing remarks by professor Luc Soete

If you want to register click here.

We encourage you to send your questions before April 7th 2021.




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Els ODS a la UPF
