Vés enrere ICUR 2020: Sharing your undergraduate research projects globally from home

ICUR 2020: Sharing your undergraduate research projects globally from home

2 days, 8 countries and 4 continents as the perfect scene for students to present and share their research work with the rest of EUTOPIA universities.


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A new edition of ICUR, International Conference of Undergraduate Research, is here and will take place on September 29th and 30th 2020.

Based on previous experience by Monash University and the University of Warwick, ICUR opens to EUTOPIA partners to allow UPF students to present and reflect on their research work from an international and interdisciplinary approach, by connecting teams in multiple locations and engaging in debates and exchanges. Through ICUR, participating students can find synergies and connections between their researches, creating future contact networks.

Since 2013, more than 2000 students from 11 different institutions have applied to ICUR, without having to leave their home university, which is particularly suitable in the current COVID-19 context.

How can I participate?

To participate in ICUR, you just need to:

  1. Be a UPF undergraduate student. ICUR is open to all degrees.
  2. Send an abstract of the project of maximum 250 words length through this form before May 30th 2020. We recommend searching academic advice from the supervisor of your TFG.

If the submitted proposal is accepted, it will be included in a thematic panel. It should be noted that the topics are not by discipline, since what ICUR does is to group students around interdisciplinary topics based on their research flows.

Keep in mind that, in each ICUR session, three students present each their research project for 15 minutes, followed by another 15 minute round of questions. The proposals will be presented from the home university and through videoconference.

Students can also able to participate as audience, meeting students from other institutions and participating in the Q&A rounds of all sessions.

What does ICUR offer?

  1. ICUR offers a platform to challenge your undergraduate research project by presenting and connecting with a wider global audience, which will add value to your own work by facilitating an in-depth discussion and debate.
  2. If selected, your research work will be analysed from an international perspective, promoting its impact at a global level, and you will get interdisciplinary inputs and feedback.
  3. You will get to meet leading professionals and researchers in fields of your interest.



ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
