Vés enrere New Blog post! "The restorative culture in organizations: The incorporation of restorative practices to manage complaints of interpersonal violence and other unwanted behaviors" by Núria Tió, Marina Muñoz and Marc Bosch

New Blog post! "The restorative culture in organizations: The incorporation of restorative practices to manage complaints of interpersonal violence and other unwanted behaviors" by Núria Tió, Marina Muñoz and Marc Bosch



Núria Tió, Marina Muñoz and Marc Bosch, graduated students from the Master in Professional Mediation from BSM-UPF, won the first prize for the Best Master thesis in Planetary Wellbeing with their thesis "Culture of Reparation in Organizations: The incorporation of restorative practices in the management of cases of violence". Please read here a personal reflection that they did based on their thesis.





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