Els nostres estudiants i docents han dit...

"This class was amazing. I felt like I learned a lot and it took into account a real life situation and they connected it to Barcelona, which I appreciated. I absolutely loved my classes" (Lauren Wenster, estudiant de l'ISEP/ sobre el curs "Analytics for Social Good").

"As far as I’m concerned, it is a subject where reflection and dialogue predominate. I consider that points such as argumentation should be more present in the university. This subject has allowed me issues like, for instance, meditating on the other’s point of view and defending my own perspective. I would like to thank Jordi Mir and João França for their involvement and the references they have given me" (Ariana Ruiz Guevara, estudiant de la UPF / sobre el curs "¿Qué es noticia...?").

"BaPIS program provided me the opportunity to share my interests with other students with different background studies, learn from each other and broaden my knowledge.
Super gratifying and enrichful" // (Nerea Álvarez de Eulate, estudiant de la UPF / sobre el curs "Art, Mind and the Brain").

"It offered a dynamic and comprehensive view on a topic I think we do not stop and think about. The way in which it has been designed allows for debate and discussion that have changed the way I view the world." (Sobre el curs "Gender-based Violence and International Protection of Human Rights").

"It will change the way in which you see the world and how to change it". (Sobre el curs "The Collectivity Revolution"),

"I highly recommend this course because even though I had had experience with the LGBT+ community for years doing activism, I had never had an academic approach to it and it has been very enriching for me to keep building discourse and have an even more intersectional perspective in my field of expertise" (Sobre el curs "LGTB+: Exploring Identities and Diversity").

"Acabo de finalitzar el curs d'aquest trimestre i ha estat una experiència meravellosa amb un contingut que ha anat creixent en valor a mida que l'alumnat ho rebia amb gran motivació i interès. Ha sigut un gran inici per a mi amb aquesta assignatura, que espero i desitjo segueixi enriquint el programa". (Blanca Fullana, professora del BaPIS, sobre la seva docència al curs "The Collectivity Revolution").

"Having students of widely different backgrounds makes for a very rich intellectual experience" (Jordi Garcia Ojalvo, profesor del BaPIS, sobre la seva docència al curs "Mind, Brains and Machines").

"A wonderful space for creativity. Students came with original ideas on classical problems, we learnt a lot from each other". (Fernando Giráldez, professor del BaPIS sobre la seva docència al curs "Art, Mind and the Brain").

"Teaching students with different backgrounds and belonging to different academic traditions has been a very rewarding experience". (Carlos Gómez, professor del BaPIS, sobre la seva docència al curs "Innovation and the Law").

"Al curs no només hem llegit, parlat i après sobre la comunitat LGTB+, hem creat també la nostra propia comunitat.(Arnau Roig, professor del BaPIS, sobre la seva docència al curs "LGTB+: Exploring Identities and Diversity").

"I had the honor to have great and very motivated students. I will always remember the great talks and discussions about applying Analytics, Mathematical Models and Algorithms to help solving problems in areas as Health and Social Services. Humanitarian Logistics and Sustainability." (Helena Ramalhinho, professora del BaPIS, sobre la seva docència al curs "Analytics for Social Good").

"An amazing international and intercultural experience around a global passion: football" (Frederic Guerrero, professor del BaPIS, sobre la seva docència al curs "Global Culture and Marketing of FC. Barcelona").

"It has been a great opportunity to engage in discussion and critical reflection with highly motivated students from very diverse backgrounds. An enriching experience for all of us." (Patsili Toledo, professora del BaPIS, sobre la seva docència al curs "Gender-based Violence and International Protection of Human Rights").

"El nostre món està marcat per les fakenews, la postveritat, la crispació i la polarització. Aquí intentem analitzar el que estem vivint i oferir eines per a tot allò que us preocupi" (Jordi Mir, profesor del BaPIS, sobre su docencia en el curso "¿Qué es noticia? Verdad, desinformación y hegemonía").