Journal articles
Lialios D, Eguzkitza B, Houzeaux G, Casoni E, Baumgartner L, Noailly J, Muñoz-Moya E, Gantenbein B, Vázquez M. A porohyperelastic scheme targeted at High-Performance Computing frameworks for the simulation of the intervertebral disc. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2025; 259(0). |
Alomar A, Rubio R, Salort L, Albaiges G, Payà A, Piella G, Sukno F. Automatic Facial Axes Standardization of 3D Fetal Ultrasound Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2025; 15186 LNCS(0): 88-98. |
Comte V, Alenya M, Urru A, Recober J, Nakaki A, Crovetto F, Camara O, Gratacos E, Eixarch E, Crispi F, Piella G, Ceresa M, Gonzalez Ballester MA. Deep cascaded registration and weakly-supervised segmentation of fetal brain MRI. Heliyon 2025; 11(1). |
Qasim M.; Lopez Picazo M.; Ruiz Wills C.; Noailly J.; Di Gregorio S.; Del Rio Barquero L.M.; Malouf Sierra J.; Humbert L.. 3D-DXA based finite element modelling for femur strength prediction: evaluation against QCT. Journal of Clinical Densitometry 2024; 27(2). |
Finocchiaro M.; Banfi T.; Donaire S.; Arezzo A.; Guarner-Argente C.; Menciassi A.; Casals A.; Ciuti G.; Hernansanz A.. A Framework for the Evaluation of Human Machine Interfaces of Robot-Assisted Colonoscopy. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2024; 71(2): 410-422. |
Martí-Juan G, Valenzuela I, Gomez Y, Eixarch E, González Ballester MA, Piella G. A neuroimaging study on the relation between intrauterine growth restriction and cortical development of the fetal brain. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2024; 19(1). |
Reyes RHN, Fabijanovic D, Vellve K, Loncaric F, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Sepulveda-Martinez A, Sarvari S, Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Crovetto F, Faner R, Agusti A, Sitges M, Cikes M, Bernardino G, Blanco I, Bijnens B, Crispi F. Abstracts of the 34th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 15-18 September 2024, Budapest, Hungary. Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2024; 64(0). |
De Vente C.; Vermeer K.A.; Jaccard N.; Wang H.; Sun H.; Khader F.; Truhn D.; Aimyshev T.; Zhanibekuly Y.; Le T.D.; Galdran A.; Ballester M.A.G.; Carneiro G.; Devika R.G.; Sethumadhavan H.P.; Puthussery D.; Liu H.; Yang Z.; Kondo S.; Kasai S.; Wang E.; Durvasula A.; Heras J.; Zapata M.A.; Araujo T.; Aresta G.; Bogunovic H.; Arikan M.; Lee Y.C.; Cho H.B.; Choi Y.H.; Qayyum A.; Razzak I.; Van Ginneken B.; Lemij H.G.; Sanchez C.I.. AIROGS: Artificial intelligence for robust glaucoma screening challenge. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2024; 43(1): 542-557. |
Bruns M.M.; Ramirez-Mahaluf J.P.; Valli I.; Ortuño M.; Ilzarbe D.; de la Serna E.; Navarro O.P.; Crossley N.A.; Ballester M.A.G.; Baeza I.; Piella G.; Castro-Fornieles J.; Sugranyes G.. Altered temporal dynamics of resting-state fMRI in early-onset first-episode psychosis.. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2024; 50(2): 418-426. |
Fiorentino M.C.; Villani F.P.; Benito Herce R.; Gonzalez Ballester M.A.; Mancini A.; Lopez-Linares Roman K.. An intensity-based self-supervised domain adaptation method for intervertebral disc segmentation in magnetic resonance imaging. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2024; 19(9): 1753-1761. |
Ali S.; Ghatwary N.; Jha D.; Isik-Polat E.; Polat G.; Yang C.; Li W.; Galdran A.; Ballester M.A.G.; Thambawita V.; Hicks S.; Poudel S.; Lee S.W.; Jin Z.; Gan T.; Yu C.H.; Yan J.P.; Yeo D.; Lee H.; Tomar N.K.; Haithami M.; Ahmed A.; Riegler M.A.; Daul C.; Halvorsen P.; Rittscher J.; Salem O.E.; Lamarque D.; Cannizzaro R.; Realdon S.; de Lange T.; East J.E.. Assessing generalisability of deep learning-based polyp detection and segmentation methods through a computer vision challenge. Scientific Reports 2024; 14(1). |
Bocanegra-Perez A.J.; Piella G.; Sebastian R.; Jimenez-Perez G.; Falasconi G.; Saglietto A.; Soto-Iglesias D.; Berruezo A.; Penela D.; Camara O.. Automatic and interpretable prediction of the site of origin in outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias: machine learning integrating electrocardiograms and clinical data. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2024; 11(0). |
Sikha OK, Galdran A, Riera M, García J, Rodríguez J, Piella G, González Ballester MA. Benchmarking uncertainty estimates for segmentation quality prediction in medical imaging. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2024; 19(1). |
Comte V, Recober J, Piella G, Ceresa M, González Ballester MA. Biomechanically regularized deep learning registration of fetal brain MRI. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2024; 19(1). |
Tassani S.; Chaves P.; Beardsley M.; Vujovic M.; Ramirez J.; Mendoza J.; Portero-Tresserra M.; Gonzalez-Ballester M.A.; Hernandez-Leo D.. Breathing, postural stability, and psychological health: a study to explore triangular links. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2024; 12. |
Segarra-Queralt M.; Galofre M.; Tio L.; Monfort J.; Monllau J.C.; Piella G.; Noailly J.. Characterization of clinical data for patient stratification in moderate osteoarthritis with support vector machines, regulatory network models, and verification against osteoarthritis Initiative data. Scientific Reports 2024; 14(1). |
Galdran A.; Ballester M.A.G.. Data-Centric Label Smoothing for Explainable Glaucoma Screening from Eye Fundus Images. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2024; 0(0). |
Rasouligandomani M, Del Arco A, Chemorion FK, Bisotti MA, Galbusera F, Noailly J, González Ballester MA. Dataset of Finite Element Models of Normal and Deformed Thoracolumbar Spine. Scientific Data 2024; 11(1). |
Yap M.H.; Cassidy B.; Byra M.; Liao T.y.; Yi H.; Galdran A.; Chen Y.H.; Brungel R.; Koitka S.; Friedrich C.M.; Lo Y.w.; Yang C.h.; Li K.; Lao Q.; Ballester M.A.G.; Carneiro G.; Ju Y.J.; Huang J.D.; Pappachan J.M.; Reeves N.D.; Chandrabalan V.; Dancey D.; Kendrick C.. Diabetic foot ulcers segmentation challenge report: Benchmark and analysis. Medical Image Analysis 2024; 94: 1-14. |
Natarajan S, Humbert L, González Ballester MA. Domain adaptation using AdaBN and AdaIN for high-resolution IVD mesh reconstruction from clinical MRI. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2024; 19(10): 2063-2068. |