Sino-German Symposium on Multisensory Processing, Neural Mechanisms, and ApplicationsMultisensory research in the real world and applications
Career Development: NetworkingMRG Seminar 08/06/2023, Prepared by: Lena Matyjek
Reproducibility in Psychological ScienceMRG Seminar, Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science, Science (2015)
What is a Registered Report?MRG Seminar
Statistical and Design Concepts in Cognitive NeuroscienceMRG Seminar 12/11/2021, Prepared by: Luis Morís Fernández
Why Science Is Not Necessarily Self-CorrectingMRG Seminar
Pre-Registration: A Short Introduction to a Big ProblemMRG Seminar
Career Development in Academia and BeyondMRG Seminar 02/02/2023, Prepared by: Lena Matyjek