2024 (2)Esping-Andersen G.. Commentary: Children, the gender revolution, and social mobility. Dins: -. Research handbook on intergenerational inequality. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.; 2024. p. 423-431. |
Triventi M, Passaretta G. The role of education for social mobility. Dins: -. Research handbook on intergenerational inequality. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.; 2024. p. 357-370. |
2023 (3)Lario C.P.; Ortiz-Gervasi L.. Expectation of early school leaving among Spanish immigrants: A process of segmented assimilation. Dins: Darmody M, Smyth E. Post-school Pathways of Migrant-Origin Youth in Europe. Taylor and Francis; 2023. |
Passaretta G, Gil-Hernandez C. The Early Roots of the Digital Divide: Socioeconomic Inequality in ICT Literacy at age 8-15. Dins: Skopek J. Research Handbook of Digital Sociology. Edward Elgar; 2023. |
Triventi M, Passaretta G. The role of education for social mobility. Dins: -. Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality. Edward Elgar; 2023. |
2021 (2)Canals, S.; Bartumeus, F.; Gomez-Marin, A.; Martinez-Otero, L.; Marquez, C.; Valverde,S.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Lopez, C.; Mirasso, C.; del Castillo, D.; Rocon, E.; Criado-Boado, F.; Palmer, J.R.B.; Castellanos, N.; Diex, G.; Maestu, F.. Cognition, collective behaviors & consciousness. Dins: Herrera, E.; Esteban, J. A. (eds.); Canals S.; Bartumeus, F. (coords.). Brain, Mind & Behaviour, Volume 5. Madrid: CSIC. Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación; 2021. p. 41-57. |
Austin, T.; Bartumeus, F.; Bernal, S.; Camarero, Ll.; Becerro, M.; Cebrian, E.; Catalan, J.; Ferrer, A.; Garrabou, J.;Guasch, H.; Nogales, A.; Palmer, J.R.B.; Sorolla, A.; Terrado, J.. Healthy planet: hazards, risk, management and solutions-oriented research. Dins: García, MB; Jordano, P (eds.); Casamayor, E. O.; Valladares, F. (coords.). Global change impacts. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; 2021. p. 153-172. |
2020 (2)Cortina C, Festy P. Same-sex couples and their legalization in Europe: laws and numbers. Dins: Digoix M, editor. Same-Sex Families and Legal Recognition in Europe. Springer; 2020. p. 45-71. |
Solé-Auró A. Subjective Well-being: Long and Happy Lives. Dins: Jagger C, Crimmins E, Saito Y, De Carvalho Yokota R, Van Oyen H, Robine JM (eds.). International Handbook of Health Expentancies. International Handbooks of Population. Cham: Springer, Cham; 2020. p. 263-274. |
2019 (14)Kolberg, J.; Esping-Andersen, Gosta. De-Commodification and Work Absence. Dins: Kolnerg, J. (ed.). Between Work and Social Citizenship. Nova York: M. E. Sharpe; 2019. p. 1-1. |
Esping-Andersen, G.; Kolberg, J.E. Decommodification and work absence in the welfare state. Dins: Kolnerg, J. (ed.). Between Work and Social Citizenship. Nova York: M. E. Sharpe; 2019. p. 77-111. |
Esping-Andersen, G.; Eivind Kolberg, J.. Decommodification and work absence in the welfare state. Dins: Kolnerg, J. (ed.). Between Work and Social Citizenship. Nova York: M. E. Sharpe; 2019. |
Esping-Andersen G.; Kolberg J.E.. Decommodification and work absence in the welfare state. Dins: Kolberg JE. Between Work and Social Citizenship. -; 2019. p. 77-111. |
Ortiz Gervasi, Luis. Finançament dels estudis: ingressos i habitatge. Dins: Ariño, Antonio et al. (eds.). Via Universitària 2017-2019: Accés, condicions d'aprenentatge, expectatives i retorns dels estudis universitaris (2017-2019). 2019. p. 27-37. |
Seiz, M.; González, M.J.; Jurado-Guerrero, T.; Lapuerta, I.; Martín-García, T.. Non-normative couples in Spain: Mothers' career commitment, fathers' work arrangements, and egalitarian ideology. Dins: Grunow, D.; Evertsson, M.(eds.). New Parents in Europe: WorkCare Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing; 2019. |
Esping-Andersen, G.. The three political economies of the welfare state. Dins: Kolberg, Jon Eivind. The Study of Welfare State Regimes. Rouletdge; 2019. p. 1-258. |
Esping-Andersen G.. The three political economies of the welfare state. Dins: Kolberg, Jon Eivind. The Study of Welfare State Regimes Routledge; 2019. p. 1-258. |
Esping-Andersen G.. Three postindustrial employment regimes. Dins: Kolberg, Jon Eivind. The Welfare State as Employer. Bergen: Routledge; 2019. p. 149-188. |
Kolberg J.E.; Esping-Andersen G.. Welfare states and employment regimes. Dins: Eivind Kolberg, J. (ed.). Between Work and Social Citizenship. 2019. p. 1-35. |
Kolberg, J.E.; Esping-Andersen, G.. Welfare states and employment regimes. Dins: Kolnerg, J. (ed.). Between Work and Social Citizenship. Nova York: M. E. Sharpe; 2019. |
Kolberg, J.E., Esping-Andersen, G. Welfare states and employment regimes. Dins: Kolberg, Jon Eivind. The Study of Welfare State Regimes. Rouletdge; 2019. p. 3-36. |
Kolberg J.E.; Esping-Andersen G.. Welfare states and employment regimes. Dins: Kolberg, Jon Eivind. The Study of Welfare State Regimes Routledge; 2019. p. 3-36. |
Kolberg J.E.; Esping-Andersen G.. Welfare states and employment regimes. Dins: Kolberg, Jon Eivind. The Welfare State as Employer. Bergen: Routledge; 2019. p. 3-35. |
2018 (10)Doblhammer, G.; Gumà, J.. A Demographic Perspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe. Springer; 2018. |
Guma J.; Doblhammer G.. Framework. Dins: Doblhammer, G.; Gumà, J.. A DemographicPerspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe. Springer; 2018. p. 1-7. |
Doblhammer G.; Guma J.. Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Household Position and Health in Twelve European Countries: Are They Associated with the Value Climate?. Dins: Doblhammer, G.; Gumà, J.. A DemographicPerspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe. Springer; 2018. p. 103-131. |
Palmer, John R.B.; Brocklehurst, Martin; Tyson, Elizabeth; Bowser, Anne; Pauwels, Eleonore; Bartumeus, Frederic. Global Mosquito Alert. Dins: Hecker, Susanne; Haklay, Muki; Bowser, Anne; Makuch, Zen; Vogel, Johannes; Bonn, Aletta. Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. UCL Press; 2018. p. 210-215. |
Ortiz Gervasi, Luis Maria; McGuinness, Seamus. Overeducation Among European University Graduates: A Constraint or a Choice?. Dins: Malo, Miguel Ángel; Moreno Mínguez, Almudena. European Youth Labour Markets. Springer; 2018. p. 157-174. |
Jodar Martinez, Pere; Guiu, Jordi. Parados en movimiento. Historias de dignidad, resistencia y esperanza. Barcelona: Icaria; 2018. |
Oksuzyan A.; Guma J.; Doblhammer G.. Sex Differences in Health and Survival. Dins: Doblhammer, G.; Gumà, J.. A DemographicPerspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe. Springer; 2018. p. 65-100. |
Esping-Andersen G.. Social Foundations of Post-Industrial Economies. Dins: Grusky DB, Weisshaar KR. Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. New York: Routledge; 2018. p. 1078-1091. |
Doblhammer G.; Guma J.. Summary and Research Implications. Dins: Doblhammer, G.; Gumà, J.. A DemographicPerspective on Gender, Family and Health in Europe. Springer; 2018. p. 9-19. |
Esping-Andersen G.; Myles J.. The Welfare State and Redistribution. Dins: Grusky DB, Weisshaar KR. Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. New York: Routledge; 2018. p. 52-58. |
2017 (8)Sebastián Sarasa. Cómo evaluar el impacto de programas sociales y políticas públicas. UOC; 2017. |
Esping-Andersen G. Education, the gender revolution, and the fertility recovery. Dins: VV.AA.. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2017. 2017. |
Esping-Andersen, G.. Families in the 21st Century. Stockholm: SNS; 2017. |
Domínguez-Folgueras, M; González, M.J; Lapuerta, I. Gender inequalities, paid work and family formation in Spain. Dins: Blöss, Thierry. Ageing, Lifestyles and Economic Crises: The New People of the Mediterranean. Routledge; 2017. p. 225-239. |
Kammourieh, Lanah; Baar, Thomas; Berens, Jos; Letouze, Emmanuel; Manske, Julia; Palmer, John; Sangokoya, David; Vinck, Patrick. Group Privacy in the Age of Big Data. Dins: Taylor, Linnet, Floridi, Luciano, van der Sloot, Bart. Group Privacy: New Challenges of Data Technologies. Springer International Publishing; 2017. p. 37-66. |
Dammrich J, Esping-Andersen G. Pre-school and reading competencies - a cross national comparison. Dins: Blossfeld HP, Kulit N, Skopek J, Triventi M. Child Care, Early Education and Social Inequality. Edward Elgar; 2017. |
Dammrich J.; Esping-Andersen G.. Preschool and reading competencies-A cross-national analysis. Dins: Blossfeld HP, Kulit N, Skopek J, Triventi M. Child Care, Early Education and Social Inequality. Edward Elgar; 2017. p. 133-151. |
Rodríguez-Menés J, Creighton M. The impact of imprisonment on IPV offenders' risks of recidivism: an application of two natural experiments in the city of Barcelona. Dins: Blokland, Arjan and van der Geest, Victor. The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology. Routledge; 2017. p. 397-416. |
2016 (7)Solé-Auró, A. Desigualdades en salud por nivel educativo y genero e España. ¿Cuánto contribuye la pobreza en las diferencias educatives en materia de salud?. Dins: AA.VV.. Observatorio Social La Caixa. 2016. |
Binstock G, Safranoff A et al.. Fecundidad y Maternidad Adolescente en el Cono Sur: Apuntes para la Construcción de una Agenda Común. Chile: UNFPA; 2016. |
Solé-Auró, A. La salud de los europeos mayores de 80 años. Dins: AA.VV.. Panorama Social: Retos demográficos. Funcas; 2016. p. 43-61. |
Esping-Andersen, G.. Quo Vadis Familia?. SNS, Stockholm; 2016. |
Baizan P. The policy context of fertility in Spain: toward a gender-egalitarian model?. Dins: Rindfuss, R.; Choe, M. (eds.). Low fertility, institutions, and their policies: Variations across industrialized countries. New York/Heidelberg: Springer; 2016. p. 195-220. |
Seiz M, Lapuerta I, Abril P, Amigot P, Botía-Morillas C, Domínguez-Falgueras M, González MJ, Jurado-Guerrero T, Martín-García T, Monferrer J. The transition to parenthood in Spain: Adaptations to ideals. Dins: Grunow D, Evertsson M (eds.). Couples' Transitions to Parenthood Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Edward Elgar; 2016. p. 196-218. |
Safranoff A, Tiravassi A. Victimización y Género: Un análisis con enfoque de género sobre el tratamiento mediático de las víctimas de homicidio. Dins: Bergman M. Delitos y medios. ¿Cómo los medios gráficos informan los hechos de inseguridad? 2012, 2013 y 2015. Buenos Aires: celiv - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Inseguridad y Violencia; 2016. p. 43-57. |
2015 (9)Jódar P, Julià M, Tarafa M, Benach J. Empleo Sumergido. Dins: Torres Albero C (ed.). España 2015: Situación Social. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas; 2015. |
Ortiz, Luís; Riba, Clara. Institutionalisation Of Trade Union Activity: Four Indexes And Their Ability To Explain Cross-National Differences In Strike Rate. Dins: O Riain, Sean; Behling, Felix; Ciccia, Rossella; Flaherty, Eoin (eds.). The changing worlds and workplaces of capitalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan; 2015. p. 118-173. |
Levatino, A.. Mobilité qualifiée et étudiante au sud et au nord de la Méditerranée. Dins: Withol de Wenden, C.; Schmoll, C.; Thiollet, H. (eds.). Migrations en Méditerranée permanences et mutations à l'heure des révolutions et des crises. CNRS Èditions; 2015. p. 323-342. |
González MJ, Jurado Guerrero T (eds.). Padres y madres corresponsables. Una utopía real. Madrid: La Catarata; 2015. |
Esping-Andersen, G.. Positive-sum solutions in a world of trade-offs. Dins: McCann, L. (ed.). Capitalism and Business. Sage, London; 2015. p. 256-267. |
Esping-Andersen G.; Przeworski A.. Quantitative Cross-national Research Methods. Dins: Wright JD (ed.). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2015. p. 719-724. |
Rodríguez-Menés J, Donato L. Social capital, social cohesion and cognitive attainment. Dins: Li Y. Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital. Edward Elgar Pub; 2015. p. 324-343. |
Esping-Andersen G.. The return of the family. Dins: Beramendi P. The Politics of Advanced Capitalism. New york: Cambridge University Press; 2015. p. 157-178. |
Garriga A, Martinez Lucena J. «No te preocupes. No me voy a divorciar de ti Eres demasiado valioso para mí profesionalmente hablando»: liberación y maternidad en The Good Wife. Dins: Visa, Mariona (Comp.). Padres y madres en serie. Representaciones de la paternidad en las series televisivas. Barcelona: UOC; 2015. p. 240-261. |
2014 (1)Benach J, Jódar P, Alós R, Tarafa G, Julià M. La ruta del capital y el abismo de las reformas laborales. Dins: Joan Benach (Director). Sin trabajo, sin derechos, sin miedo. Barcelona: Icaria-Asaco; 2014. |
2013 (11)Ortiz Gervasi, Luis. Comentari a l'informe Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives. Dins: Hoeckel, Kathrin; Ortiz, Luis; Capsada, Queralt (coord.). Educació, competències i mercat de treball a partir de l'estratègia de l'OCDE. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill; 2013. p. 47-68. |
Esping-Andersen G, Bellani D. Educació, ocupació i fecunditat. Dins: Esping-Andersen G (coord.). El dèficit de natalitat a Europa: la singularitat del cas espanyol. Barcelona: Obra Social "La Caixa"; 2013. p. 89-111. |
Esping-Andersen, Gosta; Przeworski, A. Sanchez-Cuenca, I. Igualdad con una burguesia feliz. La via socialdemocratica hacia la igualdad. Madrid: Democracia y Socialdemocracia; 2013. |
Esping-Andersen, Gosta. Investing in early childhood. Dins: Buchanan, Ann; Rotkirch, Anna (eds.). Fertility Rates and Population Decline: no time for children?. Londres: McMillan; 2013. p. 288-302. |
Guiu, Jordi. Jean-Jaques Rousseau. El pensador indignat del segle XVIII. Editorial UOC; 2013. |
Lara Navarro-Varas, Sebastián Sarasa Urdiola, Sergio Porcel. Las pautas de la privación material en Cataluña en tiempos de crisis: ponencia sesión 1 panel 7. Dins: Gentile, Alessandro. Actas del IV Congreso de la Red Española de Política Social (REPS). "Las políticas sociales entre crisis y post-crisis". Alcalá de Henares, Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá; 2013. p. 1167-1182. |
Casas Mínguez, Fernando; Gómez Ciriano, Emilio José; Rodríguez Menes, Jorge; Pérez Durán, Ixchel. Panel 6. En defensa de los derechos y servicios públicos ante la crisis. Dins: Gentile, Alessandro. Actas del IV Congreso de la Red Española de Política Social (REPS). "Las políticas sociales entre crisis y post-crisis". Alcalá de Henares, Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá; 2013. p. 1010-1011. |
Baizán, P.; Arpino, B.; Delclós, C.E.. Public policies, gender values and fertility across European countries. Dins: Esping-Andersen, Gosta (ed.). The fertility Gap in Europe: singularities of the Spanish Case Barcelona: "la Caixa" Welfare Projects; 2013. p. 112-124. |
Esping-Andersen, Gosta. Social welfare policy comparisons. Dins: Smelser, Neil J.; Baltes, Paul B. (eds.). International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier Science; 2013. |
Arpino, A.; Esping-Andersen, G.; Pessin, L. The Diffusion of Gender Egalitarian Values and Fertility?. Dins: Esping-Andersen, Gosta (ed.). The fertility Gap in Europe: singularities of the Spanish Case Barcelona: "la Caixa" Welfare Projects; 2013. |
Esping-Andersen, Gosta. Three worlds of welfare capitalism. Dins: Pierson, C.; Castles, F.; Naumann, I.. The Welfare State Reader. 2 ed. Cambridge: Polity Press; 2013. p. 136-150. |
2012 (7)Esping-Andersen, Gosta. A Child-centered social investment strategy. Dins: Chiara Saraceno, Chiara Lewis, Jane Leira, Arnlaug. Families and family policies. 2012. |
Sarasa, Sebastián; Luppi, Francesca. Crisis económica y pobreza infantil en algunos países de la Unión Europea. Dins: Clua Losada, Mònica; Navarro, Vicente. El impacto de la crisis en las familias y en la infancia. Ariel; 2012. |
Rodríguez Menés, Jorge. Desigualdades sociales, justicia y pobreza. Dins: AA.VV.. Cambio Social y cooperació en el siglo XXI. Barcelona: Fundación Intervida; 2012. p. 56-73. |
Esping-Andersen G.; Myles J.. Economic Inequality and the Welfare State. Dins: -. The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012. |
Domínguez M, González M.J. El impacto de la crisis en el bienestar social de la infancia en España. Dins: Clua Losada, Mònica; Navarro, Vicente. El impacto de la crisis en las familias y en la infancia. Ariel; 2012. |
González M.J. Expectativas de los hombres ante la paternidad en España. Dins: Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (coord.). El déficit de natalidad en Europa: la singularidad del caso español. Barcelona: Obra Social "la Caixa"; 2012. p. 149-176. |
Jurado, T.; González, M.J.; Naldini, M. Gender, Family and the Labour Market in Post-industrial Societies: A New Social Compromise?. Dins: Burroni, L.; Keune, M.; Meardi, G.; (eds.). Economy and Society in Europe: A Relationship in Crisis?. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub; 2012. |
2011 (15)Esping-Andersen, Gosta. Children and families in the Welfare State. Dins: Beets. Gijs (eds.). The Future of Motherhood Springer; 2011. p. 125-148. |
Ortiz Gervasi, Luis. Gestión de RRHH en el sector privado de servicios. Dins: González Menéndez, María; Gutiérrez Palacios, Rodolfo; Martínez Lucio, Miguel. Gestión de Recursos Humanos: contexto y políticas. Navarra: Civitas; 2011. |
Guiu, Jordi. Jean-Jacques Rousseau y la particularidad de lo político. Dins: Sánchez Garrido, Pablo. Historia del análisis político. Madrid: Tecnos; 2011. p. 383-194. |
Jódar, Pere; Alòs, Ramon, Boso, Àlex; Guiu, Jordi. L'afiliació estrangera a CCOO de Catalunya: la diversitat dins la diversitat Barcelona: Ceres; 2011. |
Guiu, Jordi. La inserció dels graduats a la UPF. Barcelona: Consell Social de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 2011. |
Sarasa, S.. Long-term Care: The persistence of Familiarism. Dins: Guillén, A.M.; León, M. (coord.). The Spanish Welfare State in European Context. London: Ashgate; 2011. p. 237-258. |
Esping Andersen, Gösta Knud Jorgen Palier, Bruno. Los tres grandes retos del Estado del bienestar. Ariel, 2010; 2011. |
González, M. J. Políticas de familia e infancia, una inversión social para tiempos de bonanza y de crisis económica. Dins: -. EKONOMI GERIZAN, XVIII: el Estado de bienestar en la encrucijada: nuevos retos ante la crisis global. Vitoria: Federación de Cajas de Ahorro; 2011. p. 250-260. |
Pavan, E.; Diani, M.; Padovani, C.. Social media for social innovation. Toward a multi-layered analytic. Dins: -. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Social Media and Social Innovation. 2011. |
della Porta, D.; Diani, M.. Social movements and civil society. Dins: Edwards, Michael (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011. p. 68-80. |
Diani, M.. Social Movements and Collective Action. Dins: Scott, John; Carrington, Peter (eds.). Sage Handbook of Social Network Anlysis. London: Sage; 2011. p. 223-235. |
Diani, M.. Social movements, Networks and. Dins: Ritzer, George; Ryan, J. Michael (eds.). The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell; 2011. p. 566-567. |
Esping-Andersen G.. The importance of children and families in welfare states. Dins: Beets. Gijs (eds.). The Future of Motherhood Springer; 2011. p. 125-148. |
Nolan B.; Esping-Andersen G.; Whelan C.; Mâitre B.; Wagner S.. The role of social institutions in intergenerational mobility. Dins: Smeeding TM, Jantti M, Erikson R. Persistence, Privilege, and Parenting: The Comparative Study of Intergenerational Mobility. New York: Russell Sage Foundation; 2011. p. 331-367. |
2010 (8)Gómez-Granell, C.; Marí-Klose, M.; Lanau, A.; Claveria, S.. Acompanyament a l'escolaritat: pautes per a un model local de referència. Diputació de Barcelona; 2010. |
González, M.J.; Domínguez, M.; Baizán, P. Cuidado parental y desigualdad social en España, Dinamarca y Reino Unido. Dins: -. Actas del II Congreso anual REPS: Crisis económica y políticas sociales. Madrid: Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC); 2010. |
Sarasa, S.. Efectos de la crisis en el nivel de vida subjetivo de los españoles. Dins: Laparra, M.; Pérez Eransus, B. (coord.). El primer impacto de la crisis en la cohesión social en España. Madrid: Fundación Foessa; 2010. p. 323-352. |
Gracia P, Bellani D. Las políticas de conciliación en España y sus efectos: un análisis de las desigualdades de género en el trabajo del hogar y el empleo. Madrid: Fundación Alternativas; 2010. |
ORTIZ GERVASI, Luis; CEBOLLA, Héctor. Modelos de Sindicalismo y Movilización Política: Sur de Europa en Perspectiva Comparada. Dins: Torcal, Mariano (ed.). La ciudadanía europea en el siglo XXI: estudio comparado de sus actitudes, opinión pública y comportamiento políticos. Madrid: CIS, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas; 2010. p. 317-343. |
Diani, M.. Promoting the protest. The organizational embeddedness of the demonstrators. Dins: Walgrave, Stefaan; Rucht, Dieter(Editor). The World Says No to War: Demonstrations against the War on Iraq. Minneapolis: University Of Minnesota Press; 2010. p. 194-214. |
Diani, M.. Social movements, Networks and. Dins: Ritzer, G. (ed). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology . Oxford: Blackwell; 2010. p. 4455-4458. |
Diani, M.; Lindsay, I.; Purdue, D.. Sustained interactions? Social movements and coalitions in local settings. Dins: Van Dyke, Nella; McCammon, Holly J. (eds.). Strategic Alliances: New Studies of Social Movement Coalitions . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; 2010. p. 219-238. |
2009 (12)Esping-Andersen G.. After the golden age? Welfare state dilemmas in a global economy. Dins: -. The Global Social Policy Reader -; 2009. p. 291-305. |