About us
The DemoSoc unit has strong collaborative links with numerous international institutions in both Europe and North America, both as regards teaching and research. These include the Max Planck Institute for Demography (Rostock), the Institute National d’Étudés Démographiques - Ined (Paris), Nuffield College (Oxford), the Multidisciplinary Program in Harvard Inequality and Social Policy (Boston), the Rand Corporation, the Danish Institute for Social Research (Copenhagen), the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex, the London School of Economics, Department of Sociology at the University of Bamberg, the Scienze del Lavoro of the University in Milano, the European University Institute (Florence), the University of Toronto, the University of Southern California (Los Angeles), Università Bocconi, Copenhagen University, NIDI (the Netherlands), and Stockholm University.
The group has participated in the VI Program of the European Region Framework with the project entitled: "Economic change, quality of life and social cohesion". This network mobilised and developed research expertise across Europe on economic change, quality of life and social cohesion, and stimulated high quality comparative European research on social cohesion and its determinants; encouraged the development of additional research centres; provided an infrastructure for training the rising generation of young researchers in the skills of comparative research; and facilitated access to the most recent results of research for the wider research community and for policy makers. The DemoSoc has additionally benefited from an ERC Advanced grant for research on changing family dynamics in advanced societies.