Helmeto 2022: Yes, Echo-Chambers Mislead You Too: A Game-Based Educational Experience to Reveal the Impact of Social Media Personalization Algorithms
Helmeto 2022: Yes, Echo-Chambers Mislead You Too: A Game-Based Educational Experience to Reveal the Impact of Social Media Personalization Algorithms
Helmeto 2022: Yes, Echo-Chambers Mislead You Too: A Game-Based Educational Experience to Reveal the Impact of Social Media Personalization Algorithms
We present a digital media literacy activity composed of (i) an educational talk and (ii) a game-based activity. The aim is to support teachers in developing learning activities to increase awareness of social media threats among students. Through this activity students directly experience phenomena like echo chambers and filter bubbles that can be provoked by harmful online interaction dynamics controlled by social media platforms’ recommender systems while remaining invisible to the affected users. Our preliminary findings show that a game-based direct experience, inspired by the wisdom of crowds phenomenon, can increase the perception of social media influence on participants with statistically significant results compared to standard lecture-based activity. We conclude that developing a tool enabling educators and scholars to easily perform the proposed activity can be helpful to improve digital media literacy effectiveness.
Lomonaco, F., Taibi, D., Trianni, V., Buršić, S., Donabauer, G., Ognibene, D. (2023). Yes, Echo-Chambers Mislead You Too: A Game-Based Educational Experience to Reveal the Impact of Social Media Personalization Algorithms. In: Fulantelli, G., Burgos, D., Casalino, G., Cimitile, M., Lo Bosco, G., Taibi, D. (eds) Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online. HELMeTO 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1779. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-29800-4_26