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New Research Item on Image Labeling in Social Media Environments


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A new research piece on implementing AI image labeling (image decorations) in audiovisual social media platforms like Instagram has been published in the book "Paisajes de aprendizaje: Enfrentando desafíos con tecnologías digitales," edited by Antonia Darder and co-editors from the University of Balearic Islands (Editorial Dykinson). Titled "Labeling Body Images: A Method for Educating About Exposure on Social Networks" (published as "Etiquetado de imágenes corporales: Un método para educar sobre la exposición en redes sociales" in Spanish), the authors and members of the Courage Consortium aim to analyze, through a preliminary study, how to implement image decorations or AI labeling to warn young users about body image modification, specifically features altering and fabricating unattainable body images.

To access this research piece authored by Amaia Rodriguez and co-supervised by Emily Theophilou and Roberto Sánchez, contact the authors via ResearchGate or simply visit the editorial website to purchase your copy.



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