Human Brain Project SGA3
Human Brain Project SGA3
Human Brain Project SGA3
The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a major European scientific research initiative to improve our understanding of the brain and the role it plays in making us human, and to exploit the opportunities offered by the resulting knowledge. The size and complexity of the brain make this an expensive undertaking, but the costs associated with our current ignorance are rising and the potential gains from better insight into the brain are increasing. Brain-related diseases, many of which are age-related, now represent a major part of the global health burden and there are both ethical and economic imperatives to keep the growing number of older people healthier and more productive. Economic advantage is increasingly linked to artificial intelligence (AI), our ability to create technology to extract, manipulate and harness knowledge. The HBP’s comprehension of what makes the human brain so efficient and flexible should help to maintain Europe’s competitiveness and innovation potential in this area.
The CNS group works in WP1 The human multiscale brain connectome and its variability – from synapses to large-
scale networks and function and WP2 Networks underlying brain cognition and consciousness.
HBP SGA3 is the last of four multi-year work plans.
Dates: 1-April-2020 to 30 March 2023
Program: The HBP Calls for Expression of Interest for SGA3 Data and models for understanding of consciousness
Funding: 182.000€
Dates: 1 Oct, 2020 - 31 Mar, 2023
Title: Netscovery Model-free and model-based inference and validation workflows for causal brain network discovery
Funding: 128.125€
Funding amount: 341.150€