Prados Torreira, Lourdes
Lourdes Prados Torreira is professor at the Prehistory and Archeology Department of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). She was a CSIC Postdoctoral Fellow at Tufts University (Massachusetts, USA), where she organized, together with M. S. Balmuth and A. Gilman, the first conference on Spanish Archeology in the United States (1991). She has been a visiting researcher at Harvard University (2008) and participated in the research project on the archaeological collection of the Hispanic Society of America (NY). She has held various positions of university management, such as Vice Dean of Research of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (2010-2016) at the UAM. She is a member of the IUEM (University Institute for Women's Studies) and of the Feminism and Gender Research Group of the UAM, as well as of the European network "Archeology and Gender in Europe" (AGE-EAA). Her research interests are focused on the Protohistory of the Western Mediterranean and, in particular, on aspects related to religious manifestations and the inclusion of a gender perspective in archeology, which has led her to participate in numerous archaeological excavation campaigns both in the Iberian Peninsula, as in the Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Lazio, etc. The research projects that she has directed are inscribed in this framework, such as "The Image of Women in the Iberian World" (2001-2004), and "Archeology and Gender. Woman and sacred space. Making women visible in places of worship of the Iberian era "(2006-2009). In recent years she has also directed her interest to include a feminist perspective in archaeological museums, with various publications in this field, highlighting the direction of the research project "Discrimination against women: the origins of the problem. The social and educational function of the Archaeological Museums in the fight against gender violence "(2013-2016). In the same way, she has directed and collaborated in several research projects with the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) of Mexico, as "Shared Strategies in Formation of the UAM / INAH Mexico Cultural Heritage" (2015-2016), where she has developed interesting analysis of the encounter between different cultures, that integrates the exhibition Facing life (Enfrentándose a la vida); or the one that is being currently developed: Collaboration and research on cultural heritage (Colaboración e investigación sobre patrimonio cultural) UAM / ENCRyM (INAH, MEXICO) (2017-2018).
Among her publications we can highlight:
Prados Torreira, L.; Rueda, C. & Ruiz, A. (eds.) ( 2018): Los bronces ibéricos. Una historia por contar. Madrid.
Prados Torreira, L. & López Ruiz, C. (eds.) (2017): Museos arqueológicos y género. Educando en la igualdad. Madrid: Ed. UAM.
Prados Torreira, L. & López, C. (2017): “The image of women in Spanish archaeological museums during the last decade. A gender perspective”, in Jana Esther Fries, Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann (eds.): Images of the Past. Gender and its representations. Frauen - Forschung Archäologie 12, Waxmann Münster-New York: 127-144.
Prados Torreira, L. (2016): “Women in Iberian Culture. 6th-1th centuries B.C”, in S .Boudin and J. Turfa (eds): Women in Antiquity. Real women across the Ancient World. Ed. Routledge, London-N.Y: 986-1007.
Prados Torreira, L. (2016): “Why is it necessary to include the Gender Perspective in Archaeological Museums? Some examples from Spanish Museums”, in Museums Worlds. Advances in Research. Australian National University: 18-32.