Atrás Porta, Miquel


Catedrático de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública UAB
Coordinador del Grupo de Epidemiología Clínica y Molecular del Cáncer, Hospital del Mar Research Institute (EPISAP)

Miquel Porta is a physician, epidemiologist and scholar from Barcelona who works on molecular, clinical and environmental epidemiology, and has promoted the integration of biological, clinical, environmental and social knowledge in research and teaching internationally. Many of his empirical papers are examples of such integrative research.

The Unit of Dr. Porta at IMIM has a distinguished international record of research on the clinical and molecular epidemiology of pancreatic cancer, with a focus on the role of gene-environment interactions, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs), other endocrine-disruptors (EDCs), and other environmental chemical agents. They have also published extensively on human biomonitoring, and the uses of biomarkers to assess the effects of environmental factors on human health. The causes and consequences of diagnostic and therapeutic delays in cancer remain a focus of the Unit as well.

Prof. Porta has taught at several global institutions, including Imperial College (London), Harvard, McGill, the Universities of North Carolina, New York, Columbia, Ottawa, Bergen, Bahia, and Kuwait, and several other academic institutions in America and Europe. He has acted as an external grant and doctoral thesis reviewer for the Karolinska Institutet, the Finnish Academy, Diabetes UK, the Environment and Health Fund - Israel, the French National Cancer Institute, the National Science Centre in Poland, and other European and American scientific organizations.

He was Chairman of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA) European Epidemiology Federation and member of the IEA World Council. He was also President of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE). He is the current editor of A dictionary of epidemiology (New York, IEA and Oxford University Press, 2014).

Dr. Porta is also a scientist respected by the public. He is regularly featured in the media as an independent and creative thinker on the scientific and social issues mentioned above. He believes that scholars have a responsibility to dialogue with and transfer knowledge to society; thus, he regularly collaborates with a variety of governmental and non-governmental organisations, companies, and media. His two most recent books are: Los imaginarios colectivos, la salud pública y la vida. Para conversar desde las artes sobre nuestro bienestar en sociedad. Madrid: Los libros de la Catarata, 2019.; and Vive más y mejor reduciendo tóxicos y contaminantes ambientales. Barcelona: Grijalbo Penguin Random House, 2018.

He speaks, reads and writes fluently in French, English, Spanish, and Catalan.


Twitter: @miquelporta –
