Atrás Bröker, Lynn Caroline


Departamento de Comunicación
Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación Política, Periodismo y Democracia POLCOM-GRP

Lynn Caroline Bröker is a PhD student at the Department of Communication (POLCOM-GRP) at University Pompeu Fabra. She holds a BA in International Communication (Hanzehogeschool, University Ramón Llull) and MA in Cultural Policies (Birkbeck) and MA in Social Communication (University Pompeu Fabra). Lynn is interested in the intersection of cultural and media policies, platform studies and the interplay of content diversity and algorithmic display. Her research focuses on understanding the policy and media frames concerning the subscription video on demand (SVOD) quota on European content implemented within the Audiovisual Media Service Directive (AVMSD) in 2018. She has 10+ years of experience in Marketing and Communication.