Atrás Llop Girones, Alba


Social and Political Sciences Department
Investigadora postdoctoral

Short Biosketch

I was trained in Nursing and I did my specialization in Maternal and Child Health (2012). My academic background includes a Master in International Health (2013), diploma in Public Health (2015) and I am PhD in Public Health (2018). I am a mixed-methods researcher and during my professional career I have researched and produced scientific articles and reports on equity in access and quality of healthcare, nursing, SRMNCAH, gender, health information systems, M&E and health policy for European and African countries. I am currently a researcher at the Health Inequalities Research Group - Employment Conditions Network (GREDS-EMCONET, UPF) and consultant to the WHO Regional Office for Europe.


Research Interests

Nursing, Health Systems Strengthening, Social Determinants of Health, Health Inequalities, Employment Conditions, Public Health.


Appointments and visiting positions 

  • World Health Organization. EURO. Consultant (Jan. 2019 – to date)
  • University of Copenhagen, Development Economics Research Group (DERG). Department of Economics. Visiting scholar (Sept. 2017 – June 2018)
  • Brown University, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. Visiting scholar (Jan. 2017 – June 2017)
  • World Health Organization. Country Office of Mozambique. Volunteer researcher(June – Dec. 2016)
  • Catalan Health and Social Care Consortium (CSC). Health Policy and Health Services Research Group. Research assistant (July 2013 – July 2014)



  • Llop-Gironés A & Jones S. Beyond access to basic services: perspectives on social health determinants of Mozambique. Critical Public Health. 2020.
  • Llop-Gironés A, Cash-Gibson L, Chicumbe S, Alvarez F, Zahinos I, Mazive E & Benach J. Health equity monitoring is essential in public health: lessons from Mozambique. Global Health. 2019; 15:67.
  • Llop-Gironés A, Julià M, Chicumbe S, Dulá J, Odallah AAP, Alvarez F, Mazive E & Benach J. Inequalities in the access to and quality of health care in Mozambique: evidence from the household budget survey. Int J Qual Health Care. 2018; 1–6.
  • Llop-Gironés A, Vergara-Duarte M, Sánchez JA, Tarafa G, Benach J. The value of comparative research in major day surgery. Gac Sanit. 2018; 32(4):369-372.
  • Llop-Gironés A, Tarafa G, Benach J. Nurse staffing, working conditions and the impact on health. Gac Sanit. 2015; 29(2):155-6.
  • Llop-Gironés A, Vargas Lorenzo I, Garcia-Subirats I, Aller MB, Vázquez Navarrete ML. Immigrants’ access to health care in Spain: a review. Rev Esp Salud Pública 2014; 88:715-734.