Atrás Bolíbar Planas, Mireia

Bolíbar Planas, Mireia

Social and Political Sciences Department
Investigadora Postdoctoral

Short Biosketch

Mireia Bolíbar holds a PhD in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2014). She conducted her PhD at the Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work, of the Sociology Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. During her studies, she also developed her research as a visiting scholar both at the Trinity College of Dublin and at the Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis of the University of Manchester. She was afterwards a postdoc at the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM) and the Institute for Sociology of the University of Bremen, in Germany; and collaborator of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.

Over those years she has built an extense network of collaborators and has developed an intense scientific activity. She has published one book, 3 book chapters and 10 scientific articles (in journals such as Social networksQuality & QuantityInternational Sociology and International Journal for Social Research Methodology). She has actively participated in conferences as well as in research projects, has held contracts with the public administration and other dissemination activities. She has also participated in the organisation of international conferences such as the Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (2011) and the International Working Party for Labour Market Segmentation (2016).

Mireia is currently holding a "Juan de la Cierva Formación" postdoctoral fellowship at the Health Inequalities Research Group - Employment Conditions Knowledge Network (GREDS-EMCONET), of the Department of Political and Social Science of the Pompeu Fabra University. Her research interests are both in the field of social research methodology and sociology of work, particularly the study of labour trajectories and the social impacts of precarious employment and unemployment. She is currently developing those lines of research under the project "Precarious employment and stress: social factors with biomedical impact", granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, of which she is Co-PI.


Research Interests

Precarious employment, unemployment, life course, labour market trajectories, social research methodology, mixed methods, social network analysis.


Appointments and Visiting Positions

  • Adjunct lecturer. Department of Sociology, Universitat de Barcelona. 2016
  • Adjunct lecturer. Department of Sociology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2016.
  • Postdoctoral researcher. Institute for Sociology, Research Centre on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM), University of Bremen. 2015-2016.
  • Research assistant. Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work, Sociology Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2013-2014.
  • Predoctoral research fellow. Sociology Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2009-2013.


Selected Publications 

  • Benach J, Julià M, Bolíbar M, Amable M, Vives A. (In Press). Precarious employment, health, and quality of life: context, analysis, and impacts. En “Violence and abuse in and around organisations”. Editores: Burke R y Cooper C. Editorial: Reuters.
  • Martí, J., Bolíbar, M., Lozares, C (2016) “Network Cohesion and Social Support”. Social Networks, 48, 192-201.
  • Bolíbar, M. (2016): Digues amb qui vas, i et diré com participes L’impacte de les xarxes personals sobre la participació associativa de la població immigrada. Barcelona: Edicions Els Llums. ISBN: 978-84-15526-35-3.
  • Bolíbar, M (2015) “Macro, meso, micro: broadening the “social” of social network analysis with a mixed methods approach”. Quality & Quantity. 50 (5), 2217-2236
  • Bolíbar, M., Martí, J., Verd, JM. (2015) “Just a question of time? The composition and evolution of immigrants’ personal networks in Catalonia”. International Sociology. 30 (6), 579-598.
  • Lozares, C., López-Roldán, P., Bolíbar, M., Muntanyola, D. (2014): “The structure of global centrality measures”. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 18 (2), 209-226.
  • Bolíbar, M., Martí J., Lozares, C. (2013): “Aplicaciones de los métodos mixtos al análisis de las redes personales de la población inmigrada”. EMPIRIA: Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales, 26, 89-116.
  • Castelló, L., Bolíbar, M., Barranco, O., Verd, J.M. (2013): “Treball. Condicions en el mercat de treball i trajectòries laborals de la joventut catalana”. En: Enquesta a la joventut de Catalunya 2012 - Volum 1. Transicions juvenils i condicions materials d'existència. Col·lecció Estudis, núm. 34. Barcelona: Direcció General de Joventut. Generalitat de Catalunya, 123-235. ISBN: 978-84-15526-35-3.
  • Bolíbar, M. (2011): “Las asociaciones en las redes personales ¿Mecanismo de integración de la población inmigrante?” Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales. 20, 161-187.
  • Molina, J.L., Bolíbar, M., Cruz, I. (2011). “La dispersión geográfica de las redes personales: cálculo y significado”. Redes. Revista Hispana para el Análisis de redes sociales. 20, 113 - 131.