Scimago Media Rankings: international analysis of media web reputation
Scimago Media Rankings: international analysis of media web reputation
Scimago Media Rankings: international analysis of media web reputation
SCImago Lab presents the first global media map to discover, evaluate and compare the digital development, position and leadership of journalistic companies from the perspective of their web reputation.
SCImago presents the first global media map to discover, evaluate and compare the digital development, position and leadership of journalistic companies from the perspective of their web reputation.
We start from the premise that, for there to be a recognizable and comparable reputation, it is necessary for that reputation to be identified through metrics. In an environment of digital hypercompetition, we understand that web visibility indicators can serve as valid metrics to evaluate the media by connecting the social reputation associated with the
brand idea (the ability of the media to project itself as an influential actor in society, being a prescriber and shape public opinion) with objective and measurable indicators of access and linkage that allow global benchmarking.
The Global Ranking of Media Web Reputation begins with a first approach to the press (legacy and native) as a media observatory on the digital ecosystem and the transformation processes of the journalistic industry.