Back UPF Solidària, an agent for change in the governmental cooperation master plans.

UPF Solidària, an agent for change in the governmental cooperation master plans.



UPF Solidària collaborates in the elaboration of the new Plan for Development Cooperation 2023-2026 of the Generalitat de Catalunya. This plan has a four-year periodicity. Therefore, as an entity that already participated in the previous agenda, UPF is also collaborating in the evaluation of the Plan Director 2019-2022. 

The Plan Director de Cooperación al Desarrollo links the development cooperation actions carried out by the University to its own areas: teaching and research, related to both a comprehensive training of students and a better understanding of the problems that may prevent a human and sustainable development on a global scale. In addition, the institutional strengthening of university systems (through the transfer of knowledge and technology, infrastructure and other resources) and technical advice and support to development programs, together with the awareness of the university community, must be priority elements of UPF's work in this area. 

At the same time, UPF Solidaria has participated in the elaboration of the VI Plan Director de la Cooperació Española, a basic element in which the objectives and sectorial priorities for Spanish development cooperation are established. In addition, following the line of this state plan, a consultation has been made prior to the drafting in order to make a first approach to the main strategic aspects and achieve a better definition of the state plan.



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
