Television and political deliberation. The construction of public space through the television genres of reality in Spain.

Television and political deliberation. The construction of public space through the television genres of reality in Spain.


The objective of this project is to understand the type of representation of "politics" as the subject and "citizen" as a subject in TV that aim to represent reality. In the context of increasing sensationalism and trivialization of the "public realm" in television, both public and private, and at different levels -national and regional-, this research project proposes to trace spaces of political deliberation in television through the analysis of different genres to articulate the different ways through which each TV channel has certain representations of politics and public policy issues.

This research project includes methodological inheritance from studies generated by the UNICA research group in previous research projects, in order to give a more accurate and representative view of the types of political and public representations of our immediate context made by television stations.


Following what has been discussed above, the research project propose to:

  • Analyze the type of representation of the "politics" that makes the TV networks, public and private, national and regional;
  • Analyze the type of representation of "citizen" that is the TV networks, public and private, national and regional;
  • Compare policies represent "politics" and "citizens" to various TV channels, public and private, national and regional;
  • Analyze and compare the type of representation of "politics" and "citizens" throughout the different television genres;
  • Analyze and compare the policies representing the "politics" and "citizen" according to the scheduling policies designed for each tv channel -public and private, national and regional-.

Principal researchers

Dr. Eva Pujadas
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad de Valencia
Ministry of Science and Innovation