Portal Pompeu Fabra

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Complete works of Pompeu Fabra: digital version

The Pompeu Fabra Portal brings together the Catalan- and Spanish-language works of Pompeu Fabra (except for his lexicographical work) included in Obres completes / Pompeu Fabra (eds. Jordi Mir and Joan Solà; Barcelona: ECSA: Edicions 62; Valencia: Edicions 3i4; Palma, Majorca: Moll, <2005-2013>). The digital version allows users to search the complete works, a group of works or a specific work.



Pompeu Fabra i Poch

Pompeu Fabra the man

Pompeu Fabra codified the modern Catalan language. An engineer by training and a linguist by calling, he was the driving force behind the three major Catalan reference works: Normes ortogràfiques [Spelling rules] (first edition in 1913), Gramàtica catalana [Catalan grammar] (1918) and Diccionari General de la llengua catalana [General Dictionary of the Catalan Language] (1932). He did his linguistic work at the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC).



Pompeu Fabra i Poch

Publications about Pompeu Fabra and his work 

Fabra published his first work on language in 1891. From that point until his death in Prades, in 1948, he wrote numerous books and articles. Many works have also been published about him and his writings.