Back Franco Alarcón, Carlos Rodrigo


Carlos Franco is a doctoral student in the Department of Communication at UPF. He is a professor and researcher in the area of disinformation and fact-checking at the School of Communications and Journalism at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in Chile. He has been a journalist, editor and news anchor at prestigious national media such as Canal 13, Radio Bío Bío national media such as Canal 13, Radio Bío Bío and UCV Televisión. In 2008 he was part of the of the founding team of CNN Chile, as news anchor. Five years before he did an internship at CNN en Español, in Atlanta, USA.

He has published two books: Donald. From Apprentice to President (2018, RIL Editores). and Números que Hacen Noticia, Introducción al Periodismo de Datos (Numbers that Make News, Introduction to Data Journalism) (Uqbar Editores, 2015) and several manuals on the use of transparency law and content verification. He is currently an associate researcher of the Observatorio Desinformación en Chile.