The focus groups were created as participation spaces to identify the opinions held by its various constituent groups on UPF’s current situation. To this end, two groups were organized: one with students (fifty participants) and another with members of the Administration and Services Staff (PAS) (fifteen participants).In both groups the aim was to undertake a collective analysis of the University’s situation and outline proposals for the future, each group using its own perspective as a reference. Anonymity was ensured throughout.

To guarantee that the results were representative, the participants were carefully selected according to the different profiles present within each collective, taking into account the different variables: age and sex, studies and training, length of service, workplace, position, work category, etc.

The sessions were led by a member of the Strategic Plan support team and they developed following different dynamics in which formal and informal resources (comments, pre-session documents…) were talked about and analyzed. The data collected was drawn up into two internal consultation reports (one for each focus group), the conclusions of which were used to feed the discussion during the participation process and as a reference for drafting the Plan.