
Drafting the UPF's first Equality and Diversity Plan is a crucial step towards building a strong academic and university fabric that is firmly committed to the democratic values of equality and justice, key to the 2030 Agenda.

The Equality and Diversity Plan aims to break new ground, and we hope it will mark a significant milestone for our community. The new plan will be a continuation of the First and Second Isabel de Villena Equality Plans, working towards gender equality. In addition, this new plan will also work towards improving diversity and inclusion. We would like to emphasize:

  • Our commitment to non-discrimination on ethnic, sexual, gender, religious, cultural grounds or for any other reasons listed in article 1.3 of Law 19/2020 of December 30, on equal treatment and non-discrimination.
  • The integration of diversity and inclusion perspectives in teaching, research and knowledge transfer practices, in order to guarantee the creation of fair and equal workplaces and leadership.
  • Should be emphasized that the plan also foresees carrying out a salary audit, in accordance with Royal Decree 902/2020 of October 13, with the goal of guaranteeing effective equal pay policies for women and men.

The plan will follow the methodology developed by the Generalitat de Catalunya's Department of Equality and Feminism. It will use an intersectional perspective to identify gender imbalances in relation to other, multiple forms of discrimination, including origin, religion, sexual choice, ideological position, economic condition and disability. It will also incorporate methodologies to tackle the challenges of diversity and inclusion, with the aim of creating an inclusive work environment based on equal opportunities and respect for diversity among all the people who make up our academic community.

We need to hear your voice

The only way to achieve all this is to involve as many people as possible in designing the new plan. To make this possible, we have prepared a participatory process made up of two phases: the diagnosis phase and the actual writing of the plan.

We would like to invite everyone at the UPF to take part in the whole process.


We need to hear your voice

The Equality and Diversity Unit has set up an email address where we would love to receive any suggestions.

All ideas are welcome and will be considered. This is the only way that we can build an inclusive tool together to help tackle cases of inequality and discrimination in our community.

Please write to us at: [email protected]

Take part in our discussion groups

From May to June we will be organizing focus groups to hear your views on gender equality and diversity. We would love you to take part, so that the whole UPF community is represented and you can tell us about how you perceive gender equality and diversity at the UPF.

If you are a student, you can obtain 1 ECTS for your active participation in these groups.

Sign up for the discussion [coming soon]

Take part in our survey

In May 2024, we will be sending you a survey on equality and diversity at the UPF. Your participation is crucial to help us put together a plan that promotes a fair, equal and discrimination-free university.

There will also be a special draw and we will give away gift vouchers worth €50 to four of the participants, courtesy of Òptica Universitària.

Complete the survey [coming soon]