Back TOGETHER at the I Congreso Internacional de Telemedicina e Investigación Sanitaria

TOGETHER at the I Congreso Internacional de Telemedicina e Investigación Sanitaria

Manuel Armayones, principal investigator of the Project TOGETHER, did a presentations a the I Congreso Internacional de Telemedicina e Investigación Sanitaria


People affected by a rare disease have a their disposal the Servei d’Informació i Orientació (SIO) developed by the Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras (FEDER), which has been created to respond to the multiple questions that these chronic patients and their families have.

Professors Modesta Pousada, Beni Gómez-Zúñiga, David Gañán, Jordi Conesa, Elena Rodríguez and Manuel Armayones (principal investigator of the Project TOGETHER), which are also professors at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, and the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications of the UOC, did an in-depth analysis of the data collected by the SIO applying big data techniques, specifically the Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). Their objective is to facilitate a multidimensional analysis of all the information collected, by means of a new data visualization system which allows to:

  • Easily identify the needs of patients, families and associations.
  • Monitor the evolution of these needs both geographically and temporally.
  • Take advantage of and optimize the effort made by FEDER to manage and maintain a service such as the SIO.
  • Make interactive queries by open access.

The obtained results were presented last October 20 at the I Congreso Internacional de Telemedicina e Investigación Sanitaria through the communication entitled "Análisis multidimensional de las consultas al Servicio de Información y Orientación (SIO) de pacientes crónicos con enfermedades raras".


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