Back Berga Bague, Miquel


Departament d'Humanitats - Institut Universitari de Cultura
GRLC Comparative Literature Research Group
Tenured University Lecturer
Miquel Berga has published extensively on British writers involved in the Spanish Civil War. He has written a number of introductions to Spanish editions of works by George Orwell, the latest being “Homenaje a Cataluña”(Debate, 2011), “Escritor en Guerra: Correspondencia y diarios”(Debate, 2014) and a selection of Orwell’s essays, “El poder y la palabra” (Debate 2017). He is also the author of “Mil nou-cents vuitanta-quatre: Radiografía d’un malson”(1984) and of a chapter in “George Orwell: Into the Twenty-first Century”(2004). His biography of John Langdon-Davies (1991) was awarded the Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana prize. He was the curator of the major Centelles exhibition “Centelles: Las vidas de un fotógrafo, 1909-1985” (2006). He has recently edited and translated Nancy Johnstone’s books about Catalonia and the civil war (Tusquets, 2011, 2013). He is chief editor of the monthly “Catalonia Today” and Vice-president of the Catalan PEN. He has been Dean of Humanities and is now academic director of the MECLAP (Master en Estudis Comparatius de Literatura, Art i Pensament).