Back Bejarano Veiga, Juan Carlos


Departament d'Humanitats
Adjunct Lecturer

Doctor in Art History from the University of Barcelona (2016) for the thesis "Icons of the self. Subjectivity, self-portrait and image of the artist in Symbolism and its impact in Catalonia (1872-1914)", years before graduated with the Extraordinary Degree Award (2001-2002).

He has worked as a documentary filmmaker for the Gothsland Gallery, but also for the exhibitions "Barcelona 1900" (Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, 2007-2008) or "Album. Images of the family in art" (Girona, Museu d 'Art, 2004-2005; Palma de Mallorca, Sa Nostra Cultural Center, 2006), curated by Dra. Teresa-M. Sala. He has also participated in the cataloging and texts of the exhibitions "A century of Catalan sculpture" (2013) and "A little sculpture, please! The European sculpture of the twentieth century" (2014), both at the MEAM ( European Museum of Modern Art); of the first he was also one of its coordinators, under the direction of José Manuel Infiesta.

Independently, he was the curator of the exhibitions "Jewels of the art collection of the Elysium Gallery" (Can Saragossa, Lloret de Mar, 2018-2019) and "Lambert Escaler i Olot, between tradition and Modernism "(Museu dels Sants, Olot, 2011).

In addition to these catalogs, we can mention other publications such as "Joan Piqué i Carbó (1877-1928). The last sculptor of Eclecticism" (Alfredo Selva Piqué, 2009), "Lambert Escaler" (Infiesta editor, 2005) and "Antoni Ros i Güell, the painter who empathized with clouds" (Museu de Badalona, ​​2004, co-written with the historians Irene Gras and Maria Ojuel).

He has given classes and lectures at various centers, participated in national and international conferences and seminars, and written articles for scientific publications. He has collaborated with the MEAM and the Museum of Modernism of Barcelona; and has extensive experience in the world of the art market, after years working in the Balclis auction room, and currently in Subarna.