Back Bejarano Coca, Diana Carolina


Departament d'Humanitats
Predoctoral Scholarship Holder

Palma, Balearic Islands (1977). BA in Philosophy (Universitat de les Illes Balears), BA (Honors) in Arts (University of Brighton), MA in Dance and Performance Research (Centro Nacional de las Artes, Mexico City)

Contemporary Art, Art Theory, Aesthetics, Art History

Provisional title of the doctoral thesis: ‘Corporealities to the limit: The female body as a border territory in art practice as research’. It is a project that proposes a theoretical-practical approach to the representation of the female body, its potentially transformative effects in the visual arts, accompanied by a narrative of the artistic experience as a theoretical starting point. Directed by Rosa Cerarols, from the Department of Humanities (UPF) and Matilde Obradors, from the Department of Audiovisual Communication (UPF). Co-direction allows a transdisciplinary study, combining the knowledge of narrative mechanisms with the self creative practice as research. It includes various audiovisual media - photography, video, performance - and its social application in projects that can contribute to the transformation of citizenship in gender equality. On the other hand, the contribution of minority discourses - gender, ethnic, national -, theorized from the Anglo-Saxon and Latin American academia, gives rise to alternative discourses that question the established categories, based on permeability and hybridization to create new concepts in order to intervene in society, through a claim of the body and affections as transformative tools of individual and collective memory.