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Noise Factory

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Noise Factory is a project dedicated to the creation of audio applications and plugins

Nowadays, all digital audio Workstations such as Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton, Cubase, etc. serve as effects units for audio editing and processing, both for music and film. Within this category are included some post-production ones such as EQs, filters, compressors and reverb, up to digital instruments that can be played with MIDI controllers.

Due to the interest in these programs and the operation of the effects units they use, the Noise Factory project arises as an opportunity to develop audio applications and plugins. The initial idea of this initiative is that UPF engineering students and audio enthusiasts can become part of a team and put their skills and creativity into practice when developing them.

The main objective is, therefore, to build a bridge between the field of computing and audio, putting into practice and deepening the knowledge in programming and application design, hence creating fully functional products. Finally, these can also be used to complement the personal portfolio of the project participants.

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