Selection of students admitted to the master's degree

The student selection procedure can be defined in the following 5 steps:

  1. The students preregister online. It is the responsibility of the Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Office (OPD) to prepare the computer application and monitor the preregistration process.
  2. Completed applications that meet all the requirements are sent (via Google Drive) to the coordinator of the master’s degree on the date previously agreed with all the master’s degree coordinators.
  3. The coordinator (or master’s degree admissions committee) assesses applications and selects the students.
  4. The secretariat of the master’s degree sends the admissions decision to the OPD.
  5. The OPD notifies the students if they have been admitted or not. This notification is on the scheduled date published on the web.


Your task consists in...

  • Evaluating completed applications and selecting students
If you have any doubts or problems