Back De Le Court, Alexandre


Law Department
Dret del Treball i S. Social
Ph.D. in Law
Universitat de Barcelona

After obtaining a Degree in Law at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and an LLM in International and European Law at the University of Aberdeen (UK), Alexandre de le Court has been member of the Brussels bar from 2003 to 2008. In 2010 he obtained a Master in Legal Sciences at the Pompeu Fabra University and in 2011 he joined the greDTiSS as a researcher. He obtained his Ph.D. from the same university in 2014, with the thesis "De-commodifying Social Rights: Welfare State Policies in a Multilevel Perspective". He has been a guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich (April to June 2013 and September to December 2016) and at the Law Faculty of the Universidad Austral de Chile (September to December 2018).

Languages: French, Dutch, English, Spanish, Catalan, German


European Social Law, precarious work, protection in case of unemployment, comparative study of Welfare States, Comparative and International Labour Law and Social Security Law



  • de le Court, A. (2018) "The obligation of unemployed to accept "suitable" employment. Continental Welfare States in a Multilevel Perspective", in Bazzani, Tania i Singer, Reinhard (eds.), Dealing with Unemployment. Labour Market Policy TrendsHumboldt Universität zu Berlin, p. 23-76.
  • de le Court, A. (2016), Protección por desempleo y derechos fundamentales: el caso español en contexto (Proteccion in case of unemployment and fundamental rights: the Spanish case in context), Valencia, Tirant lo blanch, forthcoming
  • de le Court, A. (2014), "Trabajadores minusválidos, estibadores portuarios y otras relaciones de carácter especial: la ampliación del Derecho del Trabajo", en López López, J., Los Estatutos de los Trabajadores: papel de las normas y la jurisprudencia en su formulación, Valladolid: Thomson Reuters Lex Nova
  • López, J., de le Court, A., Canalda, S. (2014), "Breaking the equilibrium between flexibility and security: flexiprecarity as the Spanish version of the model", in European Labour Law Journal, vol. 5, nº 1
  • de le Court, A. (2013): "La reforma del despido (2012) i la 'excusa´europea: un análisi comparado desde la perspectiva de la flexiguridad", (The 2012 reform of protection against dismissal and the european 'excuse´: a comparative analysis from the flexicurity perspective) en Mirón Hernández, Mª del Mar e Beltrán de Heredia Ruiz, I. (Coords.), Últimas reformas en materia laboral, seguridad social y en el proceso laboral, Barcelona: Huyghens 2013
  • Canalda Criado, S. and de le Court, A. (2012): "Empleabilidad, Plan Social y Plan de Recolocación: una Perspectiva Comparada" (Employability, Social Plan and Outsourcing Plan: a Comparative Perspective). Justicia Laboral, 51, 2012
  • de le Court, A. (2011): "Libertad de circulación y ciudadanía europea: un análisis desde el ordenamiento multinivel" (Freedom of Movement and European Citizenship: an analisis from a multilevel perspective), in López López, J., Caruso, B., Freedland, M. y Stone, K. (coords.): La aplicación de los convenios de la OIT por los jueces nacionales: el caso español desde una perspectiva comparada (The aplication of ILO Conventions: the Spanish case from a comparative perspective). Albacete: Bomarzo. Págs. 41-78. [ISBN 978-84-15000-37-2/Legal deposit: AB-266-2011]
  • de le Court, A. (2011 - ...): "Incapacidad temporal (Temporary Invalidity)", and "Infracciones y sanciones (Offences and sanctions" in VV.AA.: IX. Seguridad Social. Justicia Laboral, Comments on Jurisprudence [ISSN: 1576-169X], from number 46 onwards