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Publicació IJRPH: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Visits in a Pediatric Gastroenterology Service in the Context of COVID-19



La revista científica International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ha publicat l'article Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Visits in a Pediatric Gastroenterology Service in the Context of COVID-19, amb afiliació CRES.

Adroher Mas, C., Calvo Aroca, C., Casadevall Llandrich, R., López Seguí, F., Martin Carpi, J., García-Cuyàs, F. (2022). "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Visits in a Pediatric Gastroenterology Service in the Context of COVID-19". Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 15999. doi:10.3390/ijerph192315999



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