Of Indian and Catalan family, he is the most notorious contemporary Catalan philosopher, known for his contribution to intercultural thinking and inter-intra-religious dialog.

1946: Ordination as Catholic priest.

1954: First trip to India. He says: «I started as a Christian, I discovered I was a Hindu and returned as a Buddhist without ever having ceased to be a Christian».

1978-1987: Chair of Comparative Philosophy of Religions and History of Religions in the University of California.

1987: Return to Catalonia (Tavertet), and creation of the Vivarium, Centre for Intercultural Studies Foundation.

Panikkar's work has been studied in forty doctoral dissertations and nine monographic international conferences.

L'obra de Panikkar ha estat estudiada per quaranta tesis doctorals i per nou congressos internacionals monogràfics.

Raimon Panikkar's Official Website

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