Vés enrere Kristian J. Cantens

CANTENS, Kristian J.

Kristian J. CANTENS
UPF-CAE Junior Fellowship

Dr. Cantens completed his Philosophy PhD, Imagining Animals Differently, in the Spring of 2024, supervised by Clare Palmer at Texas A&M University. He currently lectures at Texas State University, San Marcos. In the last year, he has published articles in The Journal of Animal EthicsThe Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, and The Journal of Applied Ethics. His work is informed by his experiences as a grassroots animal activist. Currently, he is writing a paper on the limits of argument as a means of persuading others of the value of animal life, another on fear and hostility towards wolf reintroduction in rural US, and a monograph on bullfighting. He is also editing a collection with Deborah Slicer on animals’ senses of humor. 

When away from his desk, you can find him running long distances on the trails that he loves, hand-sewing his own clothes, mobilizing the local vegans, and distributing fresh produce to low-income communities.

For more information, visit https://www.kristiancantens.com