Book chapters

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Branzi FM, Calabria M, Costa A. Cross-Linguistic/Bilingual Language Production. Dins: Gaskell, G. (Ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press; 2018.

Timmer K, Grundy JG, Bialystok E.. The influence of contextual cues on representations in the mental lexicon for bilinguals. Dins: Libben, Maya; Goral, Mira; Libben, Gary. Bilingualism a framework for understanding the mental lexicon. John Benjamins; 2017. p. 123-142.

Grundy JG, Timmer K.. Cognitive mechanisms underlying performance differences between monolinguals and bilinguals. Dins: Schwieter, John W.. Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism. John Benjamins; 2016. p. 377-397.

Santesteban, M.; Costa, A.. Are cognate words "Special"? On the role of cognate words in language switching performance. Dins: Schwieter, John W.. Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism. John Benjamins; 2016. p. 97-126.

Baus C, Branzi FM, Costa A. On the mechanism and scope of language control in bilingual speech production. Dins: John W Schwieter (ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of bilingual processing. Cambridge University Press; 2015. p. 508-526.

Costa, A.; Branzi F.M.; Ávila C. Bilingualism: Switching. Dins: -. Neurobiology of language. 2015.

Rossetti Y, Jacquin-Courtois S, Calabria M, Michel C, Gallagher S, Honoré J, Luauté J, Farné A, Pisella L, Rode G. Testing Cognition and Rehabilitation in Unilateral Neglect with Wedge Prism Adaptation: Multiple Interplays Between Sensorimotor Adaptation and Spatial Cognition. Dins: Kansaku K, Cohen LG, Birbaumer N (Eds). Clinical Systems Neuroscience. Springer; 2015. p. 359-381.

Barreda Ángeles, M., Ferrándiz Bofill X., Costa A. Efectos de la televisión en alta definición sobre la atención y la selección de contenidos por los espectadores: Una aproximación experimental. Dins: -. IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación AE-IC 2014 "Espacios de comunicación". 2014. p. 989-1000.

Runnqvist E., Strijkers K., Costa A. Bilingual word access. Dins: Matthew Andrew Goldrick; Victor S Ferreira; Michele Miozzo. The Oxford handbook of language production. Oxford University Press; 2014.

Hernández M., Martin C., Sebastián-Gallés N., Costa A. Bilingualism beyond language: On the impact of bilingualism on executive control. Dins: Boeckx, Cedric Grohmann, Kleanthes K. Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2013. p. 160-177.